US.140 Notification of Transfer of Vehicle Ownership (digital process)
Notification of Vehicle co-owner (digital process)
Registration of vehicle keeper (digital process)
Notification of a car/s under an operating license for taxi driving
Application for a change in registration of a taxi station - Taxi operating permit
Application for a confirmation of a taxi operator's permit due to the cancellation of excise duties
Taxi station
Cargo transportation and passenger transportation
Registration plates and temporary plates
Deregistration of vehicles
Application for the deregistration of a vehicle (Electronic application)
Annex II Aircraft AMP Minimum Inspection Programme task/ inspection checklist/ worksheet (docx)
EASA Form 123 Standard Change/Standard Repair (SC/SR) embodiment record (doc)
EASA Form 15c Airworthiness Review Certificate for Companies (docx)
EASA Form 18b Flight Conditions for a Permit to Fly - Approval Form
EASA Form 2 - Part 145 (docx)
EASA Form 2 - Part-CAMO (docx)
EASA Form 2 - Part-CAO (docx)
EASA Form AMP Part-ML aircraft maintenance programme (AMP) (docx)
LHD-04 Details of Nominated Personnel required to be accepted for Part-CAMO, Part-CAO and Part-145 (docx)
LHD-137 Application for Approval of Flight Conditions (docx)
LHD-230 Application for the approval of an aircraft maintenance programme (docx)
LHD-240 MOE checklist (docx)
LHD-241 CAME checklist (word)
LHD-242 MTOE checklist (docx)
LHD-4 ML AR Part-ML aircraft airworthiness review report (docx)
LHD-401 Application for the approval of a type training course (docx)
Minimum Inspection Programme task/inspection checklist/worksheet (docx)(ELA1 aeroplane not involved in commercial operations)
Minimum Inspection Programme task/inspection checklist/worksheet (docx)(ELA1 sailplanes and ELA1 powered sailplanes not involved in commercial operations)
Notification of 406 Mhz ELT (RAF-0098 Inquiries regarding 406 MHz ELT matters should be sent to Submit ELT HEX ID code readout for correct ELT coding verification.)
FOL-710 Declaration (docx)
FOR-0009 AWO application (pdf)
FOR-0060 EFB application (docx)
FOS-002 Application for FSTD user approval Airplane/Helicopter (pdf)
FRD-012 Request for deregistration of an aircraft from AOC (docx)
Notification of 406 Mhz ELT (RAF-0098 Inquiries regarding 406 MHz ELT matters should be sent to Submit ELT HEX ID code readout for correct ELT coding verification.)
SKR-10 Guidelines for Form of Irrevocable De-Registration and Export Request Authorisation (IDERA) (docx)
Notification of 406 Mhz ELT (RAF-0098 Inquiries regarding 406 MHz ELT matters should be sent to Submit ELT HEX ID code readout for correct ELT coding verification.)
CPL/ATPL Application for Part-FCL licence re-issue (formerly LF-350)
LAPL/PPL Application for Part-FCL licence re-issue (formerly LF-351)
LF-1.240 Flight crew training and test/check form (pdf) Please send applications to
LF-151 Application for a CPL(A) licence following an integrated course (docx)
LF-200 Commercial pilot theoretical knowledge examination (ATPL)
LF-220-CC Application for authorisation/re-authorisation to issue cabin crew attestation (doc)
LF-250 Flight crew training and test/check form FI(A)/CRI(A)/IRI(A) (pdf)
LF-255 Application for revalidation and renewal of
FI/CRI/IRI (A)/(H) (pdf)LF-271 TRI/SFI initial revalidation/renewal application and assessment (doc)
LF-301 Application for Competency based Instrument Rating CB IR(A) (pdf)
LF-302 Application for En route Instrument Rating EIR_A (pdf)
LF-311 EIR skill test (pdf)
LF-355b Application form for the transfer of medical records (pdf)
LF-443 Refresher training for renewal of expired aeroplane class- or type ratings (pdf)
LF-470 Umsókn um fullgildingu ICAO skírteinis /Application for validation (pdf)
LF-483 Declaration of examiner regarding PBN checking privileges (for examiners) (pdf)
Deregistration of a ship from the ship register (digital application form with a request for the deregistration of a ship from the ship register)
Builder's Certificate - Form for Builder's Certificate (pdf)
Re-registering of a ship on the register (digital application form)
Change of ownership of a registered ship or ship part (digital application form)
Read access to the legal registration system (digital application form)
Professional diving (digital application)
Sea service book (digtal application)
Certificate of seaworthiness (digital application)
Recreational craft licence (digital application)
Rights of passengers in navigation (digital application)