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Service contracts between vessel´s operator and service providers for maintenance of machinery

Request for confirmation of a service contract

This text is a translation of the text in Icelandic. If there is any difference between the Icelandic and the English text, the Icelandic version is valid.

The service contract is an agreement between the operator and a service provider in Iceland concerning the maintenance of the machinery of a vessel of 15 metres or less in length and with an engine power of 250-750 kW. The service contract shall be confirmed by the Icelandic Transport Authority.

If certain conditions are met, a marine engineer will not be required to be a crew member of a vessel of 15 metres or less in length with a registered power of 250-750 kW, if a contract has been concluded with a service provider for the maintenance of the ship's machinery and this contract is confirmed by the Icelandic Transport Authority.

Under Regulation 944/2020, the Icelandic Transport Authority shall set detailed rules on the conditions of service agreements, their duration and repeals, e.g. if a vessel is sold, the service provider becomes invalid or if the operator transfers operations to location not covered by the service agreement.

The following shall apply to the minimum number of engineer of fishing vessels, patrol vessels and other vessels:

Engine power of a vessel

Mechanical control

250 - 750 kW and vessels 15 metres or less in registered length

Small ship's engine warden (SSV) - may be the same as the master (SS/SS15) if he/she is the only rating member of the crew and is certified to hold such service. A marine engineer will not be required to be a member of a ship's crew if a contract has been made with a service provider for the maintenance of the ship's machinery and this contract is confirmed by the Icelandic Transport Authority.

Law and Regulation support

  • Act on ship crews no. 82/2022

  • Regulation about captain and marine engineers permits onboard fishing vessels, coast guard vessels and other vessels no. 944/2020.

Request for confirmation of a service contract