Deferment for the Marine accident prevention school
If there is difference between the Icelandic version and the English, the Icelandic version is valid.
The Icelandic Transport Authority may grant a temporary one-off deferment to a crew member on a fishing vessel to undergo safety training. The time limit is only granted for the time for which he or she is enrolled in such a course. There is no comparable authorisation for crew members on passenger or cargo ships (Regulation No. 817/2010). Before applying for a deferment, a crew member must register for a course at the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre or another authorised training provider.
The fee for the deferment granted shall be subject to the tariff of the Icelandic Transport Authority. The fee is deposited in an account no. 515-26-210777 in Íslandsbanki. The account holder is the Icelandic Transport Authority, ID No.: 540513-1040. Payment receipt shall be sent electronically to A deferment is not granted unless a confirmation of payment has been received.
Legal basis

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority