Procedures for the medical examiners, for medical examinations and for the handling of documentation.
Applications for medical certificates shall be made on a form issued by the Icelandic Transportation Authority.
Before examination
Ensure that the applicant has filled in all the required fields on the form, including the signature.
Before performing the health inspection, the AME shall verify that the applicant is his/her claim, for example, by presentation of identity documents.
The AME shall ensure that aero-medical examinations can be carried out without language barriers.
The AME shall examine the current medical certificate, in particular with regard to limitations.
Where the applicant is unable to produce a current medical certificate or the last issue of a medical certificate, the new certificate shall not be issued without prior consultation with the Icelandic Transportation Authority.
The AME shall inform the applicant of the consequences of inadequate, inaccurate or false statements on its medical history, as signed on the form.
Condicting the examination
The examination shall always be carried out in accordance with applicable rules and reference material.
Result of examination
Following the examination, the AME shall inform the applicant whether he/she is assessed as fit, not fit or referred to the Authority, AeMC or AME as applicable.
The AME shall inform the applicant of any limitation that may impair training or affect the privileges of the applicable licence/certificate/confirmation.
If the AME deems the applicant not fit for the issue of a medical certificate, he/she shall immediately notify the Icelandic Transport Authority on the relevant form. The applicant shall also be informed of his/her right to have the result reviewed by the Icelandic Transport Authority.
Following the examination, the AME shall without delay transmit the examination report, and a copy of the medical certificate (if applicable) to the Icelandic Transport Authority.
Processing of data
The AME shall ensure the confidentiality of medical records, store them in a safe place and not hand them over to unauthorised persons.

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority