If there is difference between the Icelandic version and the English, the Icelandic version is valid.
Requirement for certification to operate recreational craft
For recreational craft of six metres in length and over, operators need to acquire basic knowledge of safety aspects of navigation and operation and hold a valid recreational craft certificate.
Process for registration
Those who wish to apply for a recreational craft certificate must complete digital application. The following documents must accompany the application before it is processed:
Medical certificate for eyesight, hearing and health of seamen may not have been issued more than six months before application.
Recent passcode image - digital or on photographic paper.
Sample of signature
Verification from the external examiner of the theoretical examination (in case of initial issue).
Verification of the practical examiner (in case of initial issue).
Confirmation of payment
The documents may be sent electronically as accompanying documents with the application. Data can also be sent to the e-mail address sigling@samgongustofa.is or by post addressed to the Icelandic Transport Authority, Ármúli 2, 108 Reykjavík.
The fee for application for issue and renewal of a recreational craft certificate is based on to the tariff of the Icelandic Transport Authority. The fee shall be paid into account no. 515-26-210777 in Íslandsbanki. The account holder is the Icelandic Transport Authority ID No.: 540513-1040. Payment receipt must be sent to sigling@samgongustofa.is.
Additional Information
Legal basis

Service provider
The Icelandic Transport Authority