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Reception of victims of sexual violence on HVE

Guidelines and advice for victims of sexual violence

  • Call 1700 to get in touch with a doctor/nurse after hours

  • Call 112 for emergencies

  • 112 webchat is always open

    • You can have an anonymous online chat if you do not want the emergency services at the location

Where can I find help ?

  • A special emergency clinic for victims of sexual violence is open around the clock at Landspítali.

  • Emergency Department at HVE Akranes is open around the clock for assistance and advice

  • During opening hours you can get help and assistance and advice on local health care clinics in HVE.

  • The helpline 112 and the telephone 1700 direct the victim outside the daytime working hours to the HVE medical officer/nurse at the premises, who will assist with the appropriate measures at any given time.

Try to seek help as soon as possible

Try to seek help as soon as possible. It is best for your health and the possible investigation of the offence.

In the first few days after the offence is committed, it is a very important time, especially regarding biobanking if it is decided to charge the offence at a later date.

  • The data/biopsy can then be used to support a case in court. Biopsies refer to the chemicals from people that can provide biological information about them

You can search for daytime hours regardless of the time from the violation:

  • to receive counselling, support, education and assistance with processing

  • by sampling for communicable diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, infections, pregnancy or other events

  • it is possible to obtain a connection with a legal advisor if requested irrespective of the duration of the violation or the decision to appeal

How do I get a legal guardian?

  • Have you assigned a legal advisor at the Emergency Department for victims of sexual abuse at Landspítali University Hospital.

  • Select legal guardian from police or victim assistance list.

  • Search for a lawyer you want to take the job.

Coping with trauma