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Embætti landlæknis Forsíða
Embætti landlæknis Forsíða

Embætti landlæknis

Skanni C-19 - App

About the App

The app Skanni C-19 is a verifier of EU Digital COVID Certificates (EU DCC) that uses the mobile device camera to capture the QR code containing the certificate.

The app will verify if the certificate is valid using a registry of public keys stored on the mobile device and display the results (valid or not valid). The app will also display the name and date of birth of the certificate holder that is included in the QR code. No data is saved on the mobile device.

Processing of Personal Data

The app doesn´t process any personal data relating to users of the app.

The processing of personal data of holders of COVID-19 test certificates is limited to the temporary display of the validity of the certificate and the name and date of birth of the person the certificate was issued. No other personal information is displayed.

No personal data is stored in connection with the use of Skanni C-19. The camera does not store any image on the mobile device.

The Directorate of Health in Iceland, Katrínartún 2, 105, Reykjavík, is responsible for any processing of personal data relating to issuing and verifying COVID-19 certificates. Questions or requests regarding the processing of personal data concerning COVID-19 certificates can be directed to the Directorate of Health via the email address personuvernd@landlaeknir.is.