Skrifstofa fjármálagreininga lögreglu

Fræðsluefni um peningaþvætti og fjármögnun hryðjuverka
Hvítþvottur - áhugaverðir þættir þar sem fjallað er um peningaþvætti frá ólíkum sjónarhornum.
Áhugaverðir þættir um peningaþvætti frá Bretlandi þá má finna hér.
Cash in the illicit economy- Økokrim 2024
Misuse of Citizenship and Residency by Investment Programmes - FATF/OECD (nóv 2023)
Illicit Financial Flows from Cyber-Enabled Fraud- FATF (nóv 2023)
Crowdfunding for Terrorism Financing- FATF (okt 2023)
Report on abuse of VA for terrorist financing purposes- Egmont (júní 2023)
Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Art and Antiquities Market (feb. 2023)
Countering Ransomware Financing - FATF (mars 2023)
Money laundering from Fentanyl and synthetic opioids - FATF (nóv. 2022)
Money laundering and terrorist financing risks arising from migrant smuggling - FATF (júlí 2022)
Fjársvik á netinu - Landsbankinn (feb. 2022)
Extreme right-wing terrorism financing - Egmont (júlí 2021)
Money Laundering from Environmental Crime - FATF (júlí 2021)
Ethnically or Racially Motivated Terrorism Financing- FATF (júní 2021)
Peningaþvætti í inn- og útflutningi á vöru og þjónustu- SFL (Apr. 2021)
Trade-Based Money Laundering - Trends and Developments-FATF/Egmont (Des. 2020)
Virtual Assets Red Flag Indicators of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing - FATF (sept. 2020)
Sýndareignir rauðflögg(okt. 2020)
Combating Online Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Through Financial Intelligence - Egmont (2020)
Money Laundering and the Illegal Wildlife Trade - FATF (júní 2020)
Annex A. Indicators- FATF (júní 2020)
COVID_19 related Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing- FATF (maí 2020)
Counter Terrorist Financing Project - Lone Actors and Small Cells (Public Summary) - Egmont (júlí 2019)
Fjármögnun hryðjuverka einstaklinga og lítilla hópa- íslensk þýðing - Egmont
Professional Money Laundering Facilitators (Public version) - Egmont (júlí 2019)
Skipulagt peningaþvætti - íslensk þýðing
Business Email Compromise Fraud (Public version) - Egmont (júlí 2019)
FIU tools and practices for investigating laundering of the proceeds of corruption- Egmont (júlí 2019)
Leiðbeiningar varðandi eftirlit með viðskiptamönnum á listum yfir þvingunaraðgerðir- FME
Concealment of Beneficial Ownership - FATF/Egmont (júlí 2018)
Financial Flows from Human Trafficking - FATF (júlí 2018)
Financing of Recruitment for Terrorist Purposes - FATF (janúar 2018)
Set of indicators for Corruption Related Cases from the FIUs' Perspective- Egmont (september 2018)
Risk of Terrorist Abuse in Non-Profit Organisations - FATF (júní 2014)
Financing of the Terrorist Organisation Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) - FATF (febrúar 2015)
Emerging Terrorist Financing Risks - FATF (október 2015)
Terrorist financing - FATF (febrúar 2008)
Life insurance sector – FATF