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27. júlí 2021

Updated COVID-19 Recommendation regarding Travel Abroad

In light of a surge in COVID-19 infections in many areas of the world, residents of Iceland are advised not to travel unnecessarily to defined risk areas

Landlæknir logo - Fréttamyndir

In light of a surge in COVID-19 infections in many areas of the world, residents of Iceland are advised not to travel unnecessarily to defined risk areas. Currently are all countries and territories of the world except Greenland. Whether countries fall under risk areas is regularly reassessed and the Chief Epidemiologist does not consider it timely to change risk areas presently. A large proportion in many areas is still unvaccinated. Among the unvaccinated, infection is widespread, but vaccinated individuals are also infected and they can infect others, even if vaccination protects the individual against serious illness.

Those who need to travel abroad are asked to exercise caution and personal infection control during the trip and abroad, including frequent hand washing, avoiding crowds and close contact with unrelated persons as well as using face masks. Everyone are encouraged to go for testing immediately if symptoms occur. Asymptomatic travellers are also encouraged to go for testing upon their return to Iceland even if they are fully vaccinated. A test can be ordered at heilsuvera.is with electronic ID (under COVID-19, book a test: Choose Keflavík-Airport as location and reason as per the recommendations of the Chief Epidemiologist. You can also choose a location on Sudurlandsbraut or outside the capital area and go as soon as possible after arrival).

Travellers need to be aware that flight disruptions and changes in regulations in other countries may occur at short notice, which can make it difficult to get back home. Also those who are positive on their the COVID-19 test abroad should not travel with a contagious disease and they should therefore not use commercial flights or ships. These individuals must follow instructions in the country concerned.

See more about defined areas with risk of infection and rules for cross-border movement.

The Chief Epidemiologist