Fara beint í efnið

29. janúar 2020

Information for travelers – Coronavirus 2019-nCov

The Chief Epidemiologist recommends that travelers avoid unnecessary trips to China where the 2019-nCoV epidemic is currently underway. To date, it is unknown whether an epidemic is underway outside of China.

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The Chief Epidemiologist recommends that travelers avoid unnecessary trips to China where the 2019-nCoV epidemic is currently underway. An epidemic has not been declared outside of China.

The Chief epidemiologist encourages individuals currently travelling abroad, especially those in China and in countries where confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV have been reported to:

  • Monitor travel restrictions made by Chinese authorities and adjust travel plans as necessary.

  • Practice good personal hygiene, especially thorough hand washing.

  • Avoid close contact with people with common cold symptoms or cough.

  • Avoid contact with live or dead animals and their waste.

  • Use a cloth to cover the face when sneezing or coughing and wash your hands regularly.

Residents in Iceland who have been travelling in China are encouraged to remain at home for 14 days after leaving China, see instructions for home quarantine. If symptoms develop, especially cough and fever, they should contact health care services in Iceland.

Chief Epidemiologist

29.01.2020 13:45