The Í App
6th December 2023
On 10 November, the Judical Administration adopted rules on the delivery and access to audiovisual recordings of the District Courts and the Court of Appeal. The rules will take effect on 1 January 2023.
30th November 2023
Students from Kvennaskólinn í Reykjavík, along with their teacher, lawyer Guðrún Erla Sigurðardóttir, visited the Supreme Court this week.
28th November 2023
On 29 September 2023, the Ministry of Justice announced the appointment of a judge with the first position at the District Court of Reykjavík. Eight applications were submitted for the position.
20th November 2023
On 1 September 2023, the Ministry of Justice announced the vacancy of two offices of judges with the first place of business at the District Court of Reykjavík. Nine applications were submitted for these two positions.
30th August 2023
The Icelandic Bar Association and the Judicial Administration organise a course for judges appointed by the courts. The role of the assessors will be reviewed and their work from their appointment to their judgment; until they deliver their evaluation and/or appear in court.
27th July 2023
The Minister of Justice has appointed Guðrún Sesselja Arnardóttir as a district court judge with the first position at the District Court of Reykjavík, as of 1 September 2023.
14th July 2023
Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir, Minister of Justice recently visited the Judical Administration. Kristín Haraldsdóttir, Managing director and Sigurður Tómas Magnússon, chair of the board welcomed the Minister of Justice and colleagues.
10th July 2023
The Minister of Justice has decided to propose to the President of Iceland the appointment of Ásgerður Ragnarsdóttir, a appointed judge of the Court of Appeals, to the position of judge at Landsréttur from 21 August 2023.
25th May 2023
The county court has completed the hiring of Jón Björgvinsson as an information technology specialist.
13th April 2023
Arndís Sveinbjörnsdóttir has been appointed as Managing Director of the District Court of Reykjanes.