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A workplace Health and Safety Plan is intended to promote the safety, health and well-being of employees. Employers should ensure that the plan is available at all workplaces, regardless of size. The Administration of Occupational Safety and Health in Iceland calls for it in field inspections and digital inspections. The plan includes a written risk assessment and a written health protection and prevention plan

  • When carrying out a risk assessment it is necessary to identify risks in the work environment that could potentially threaten the safety, health and well-being of employees, and all aspects of the activity and the work environment must be looked at holistically. In that context it is a good idea to build on the five main elements of occupational safety and health, and specific elements if applicable. However it depends on the nature of the activity how complex each risk factor is in the risk assessment. 

  • Once a risk assessment has been made a health protection and prevention plan is drawn up, which deals with the measures that need to be taken so that the risk can be prevented or reduced as much as possible. 

Here we discuss environmental factors, which is one of the five main elements of occupational health and safety. 


When organizing a workspace, the work to be performed there must be taken into account The work environment must be safe and healthy.  

More about facilities.

Indoor air quality 

Good ventilation prevents indoor air from becoming uncomfortable for employees.

Air temperature, cold areas, draft, humidity, carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds, fine dust and  indoor air measurements are discussed here. 

Learn more about indoor air quality


Noise can cause permanent hearing loss. Loudnoise also increases the risk of accidents. Noise in workplaces must be reduced if there is a risk that the noise will exceed certain limits. 

Heretexposure values, how to reduce or prevent noise, the use of hearing protection and noise measurements are discussed, among other things 

More about noise.


Proper lighting can reduce eye  fatigue and headaches.  Appropriate lighting can also prevent workplace accidents. 

Risk assessment due to brightness is among other things discussed here. 

More about lighting.


Vibration can cause both discomfort and permanent damage.  

Here we discuss, among other things, hand and arm vibration, whole body vibration and tips for dealing with vibration. 

More about vibration

Electromagnetic field 

A variable electromagnetic field travels out into spaces similar to other waves, for example sound waves. 

Here we discuss the direct and indirect effects of electromagnetic fields on the body and the evaluation of the effects. 

More about electromagnetic fields.

Biological agents 

Biological agents are bacteria, viruses, fungi, other micro-organisms and their toxins that can negatively affect human health.  

Genetically modified microorganisms, genetically modified organisms and risk assessment among other things discussed here. 

More about biological agents. 

Related material

Administration of Occupational Safety and Health

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