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Environmental Factors

Electromagnetic field

A variable electromagnetic field travels into the space around it similar to other waves. For example, sound waves or waves on water. However, it is different in that the electromagnetic waves do not need a “carrier” such as air or water but can travel through a vacuum. 

Static electric field and static magnetic field are independent phenomena respectively; one of them can exist without the other.

But as the electric field changes over time, a magnetic field is formed and a variable magnetic field also automatically forms an electric field. Therefore, it is inevitable to talk about electromagnetic fields when the fields change over time. 

The definition of an electromagnetic field according to the Regulation on the prevention of the harmful effects of the electromagnetic field in the workplace is as follows: Static field, static magnetic field, electric field, magnetic field and electromagnetic field with power fluctuations and frequencies up to 300 GHz (30 cm). 

The effects of electromagnetic fields on employees can be both direct and indirect:

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Administration of Occupational Safety and Health

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