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National Archives of Iceland Frontpage
National Archives of Iceland Frontpage

National Archives of Iceland

Regional archives

Regional archives are public archives, along with the National Archives of Iceland. Regional archives are independent public archives that are subject to professional supervision by the National Archives. The operation of regional archives is the responsibility of the municipality (or municipalities) that manages it and the museum operates within its limits.

The National Archives’ role includes issuing licenses for the establishment and operation of regional archives, after the approval of the minister, and supervising the operation of regional archives. The National Archives has the role of allocating annual operating and project grants to regional archives.

Public archives have a variety of cooperation and meetings every year on common issues.

Regional archives in Iceland:

  • Reykjavík City Archives

  • Akranes Regional Archives

  • East Fjords Regional Archives

  • Eastern Húnavatns county Regional Archives

  • Eastern Skaftafells county Regional Archives

  • Árnes Regional Archives

  • Borgarfjörður Regional Archives

  • Dala county Regional Archives

  • Fjallabyggð Regional Archives

  • Kópavogur Regional Archives

  • Mosfellsbær Regional Archives

  • Neskaupstaður Regional Archives

  • Rangæingar and Vestur-Skaftfellingar Regional Archives

  • Svarfdæla Regional Archives

  • Skagfirðinga Regional Archives

  • Westman Islands Regional Archives

  • West Húnavatns county Regional Archives

  • Þingeyinga Regional Archives

  • Akureyri Regional Archives

  • Ísafjörður Regional Archives

Information and forms for project grants to regional archives:

Information about the transfer of the Reykjavík City Archives' projects and collection assets to the National Archives can be found here:

Tilfærsla á verkefnum og safnkosti Borgarskjalasafns Reykjavíkur til Þjóðskjalasafns Íslands

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