Vorviður – application for support for forestry by associations and organisations
Soon in the New Year 2025, Vorviður fund will be open for applications from associations to support forestry. The deadline for applications is 1 April.
The Vorviður project is part of the government's action plan in climate matters and improved land use for the benefit of the climate. This gives non-governmental organisations (NGOs) the opportunity to sequester carbon through their own afforestation measures.
The deadline for applications for projects in 2024 is 1 April, 2025.
Application process
The application must state:
Name and national identification number if applicable, address, phone number and email address of the organisation in question and its representative or contact person.
Cultivation area, location and land type, description with photo or map.
The land's structural status and protective provisions, if any.
Estimated scope, size of planting plot and kind of support requested.
Information about ownership or right of occupancy over land.
The following NGOs may apply:
Formal organisations that do not have access to other funding for forestry, for example charities and hobbyist organisations.
Informal associations that do not have access to other funding for forestry, for example workplace associations.
Associations that have access to other funding for forestry, for example forestry associations.
Companies and public institutions or associations such as hf., ehf., sf., ohf. are not eligible.
Applications can be made for the following territories:
Larger lands that are planned for forestry and protected for grazing or areas within such entities, for example areas within forestry areas of municipalities or other entities.
Larger private lands protected for grazing.
Smaller areas that are protected for grazing, but not smaller than 1 hectare.
Recreation areas and areas not protected for grazing are not considered.
Results will be presented in May 2025.
Associations using land that is already on planned forestry land will be given priority. Priorities are mainly shaped by crop security, mainly in terms of grazing conservation and the safe ability of the partners to get things done.
An association that receives support will contract with Land and Forest Iceland for one year at a time. The contract is based on information from the applicant, a simple cultivation plan and budget. More information about the project management.
Before 1 October, the beneficiaries submit a project report on a pre-made form, including the outline of the new forest, coordinated with a special app or drawn into aerial photograph.
The plant trays should be returned to the place of delivery as soon as possible after planting.

Service provider
Land and Forest Iceland