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Rights and obligations

Individuals have certain rights and responsibilities in society.


The rights and obligations of individuals from birth to death are according to Icelandic laws. Rights determine what an individual can demand from society, but obligations determine what demands society can make of an individual.

A child is born

A child born in Iceland is assigned an identification number (kennitala) as soon as it is registered in the system of a birth institution. The number identifies the individual in all communications within public services. It is mandatory that a child is given a name and registered within six months of birth.

The right to parental leave may differ depending on whether you are in the labour market, in school or unemployed. Here you can apply digitally for parental leave, the process automatically retrieves all the data that must be included in the application.


Parents have an obligation to support their child until they reach the age of 18. Support must be arranged taking into account the circumstances of parents and the needs of the child. Child support is a regular payments by a legal parent to the custodial parent to support the child.

Nursery school is the first level of education and is intended for children under the age of 6 years of age. Nursery is intended for all children, regardless of mental and physical abilities, culture or religion. Parents apply for a nursery for their child in the municipality where the child is registered as a legal resident.

6 years

Primary school is the second level of schooling. Primary education is compulsory, meaning that children and young people between the ages of 6 and 16 must attend.

Parents are obligated to register their children at a primary school and are responsible for their attendance. Application forms and further information can be obtained from the websites of most primary schools and local communities.

Research has shown that encouraging children and adolescents to take part in organised recreational activities reduces their involvement in unhealthy activities and supports their physical and mental wellbeing. Some municipalities in Iceland subsidise the fees associated with participating in certain sports, creative and youth club activities.

Iceland Health covers dentistry costs of those insured for healthcare for children and teenagers up to the age of 18. An annual dentistry fee of 2.500,- ISK must be paid.

Work for children and teenagers

  • A child under the age of 13 may participate in cultural or artistic events and sports or advertising activities, but not in other activities.

  • a teenager between the ages of 13 and 14 can take on a lighter job, but not a job that is considered dangerous or physically very difficult.

  • a teenager between the ages of 13 and 15 can hire a summer job. Most larger municipalities run work schools or youth work in the summer.

  • a teenager aged 15 - 17 can do light work for up to 2 hours. per day if he is in compulsory education, otherwise 8 hours. a day.

15 years old

Children and young persons under the age of 15 are not punished for violations. The offence is dealt with as a child protection case. A juvenile can be considered culpable at the age of 15, which means that he can be punished if he commits a crime.

A teenager who has reached the age of 15 can apply for a licence to drive a light motorcycle with a maximum speed of 45 km/h.

16 years

Everyone who has completed primary school, received an equivalent basic education or reached the age of 16 can begin to study in secondary school.

All persons who are taxable in Iceland shall pay taxes on their wages from 16 years of age. Everyone aged 16 and older and who resides in Iceland is entitled to a personal tax allowance. Teenagers start paying into pension fund at the end of the next month after their 16th birthday. More about entering the job market.

A teenager who has reached the age of 16 is considered an independent recipient of the health care system. And may therefore seek advice from health professionals without the parents' knowledge or consent. A 16-year-old can decide whether to join a religious organisation or leave one.

A teenager who has reached the age of 16 may start to learn to drive a car with a licensed driving instructor. A 16-year-old can also take examinations on a tractor.

17 years

Iceland has a car licence age of 17 years old, to obtain a driving licence certain conditions must be reached.

18 years

A person becomes an adult at the age of 18, which means being both autonomous and financially responsible.

  • Autonomy includes the right to manage one's personal affairs, other than finances.

  • Financial autonomy includes the right to manage one's own finances.

Individuals between the ages of 18 and 20 who are studying or undergoing vocational training can apply for an education contribution from their parents.

Icelandic citizens with legal residence in Iceland who have reached the age of 18 are eligibility to vote in the general election, presidential election and referendum.

One of the conditions for a marriage is that the pair has reached the age of 18. Before two persons are married a survey must be carried out to see whether the conditions for marriage are met. Legal effects take effect by marriage and a transferable right between spouses is created by the establishment of marriage.

At the age of 18, there is an opportunity to increase the driving licence, but this refers to the right to drive cars beyond what is covered by the B-category driving licence.

20 years

Opportunity to increase driving rights by age:

  • At 20 driving a passenger vehicle and van for commercial purposes.

  • At 21 driving licence by driving a truck, minibus or wagon.

  • At 23 driving licence by driving a large bus and trailer.

35 years

Any person who is 35 years of age and meets certain requirements can run for president.

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60 years old

From the age 60, supplementary pension savings may be paid out as a single sum or paid out over several years. Tax is paid upon payment.

65 years old

From the age of 65, you can apply for a retirement pension and related payments to TR (Social Insurance Administration). Those who have had legal residence in Iceland for at least three years may have some right to a retirement pension.

67 years old

Payments to pensioners start at the age of 67. Those who have lived in Iceland for a period of 40 years between the ages of 16 and 67 are entitled to receive a full pension. Otherwise benefit payments are worked out as a ratio of the duration of residence.

70 years old

General driving licences must be renewed at the age of 70. The new driving licence is valid for 5 years if it is renewed before the 70th birthday. Otherwise it will apply for a period of four years. Driving licences must be renewed yearly after the age of 80 years old.

On death

The death of relatives and friends marks a turning point in people's lives. Information for Next of Kin