Digital Iceland Data Protection Policy
Digital Iceland, part of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, is responsible for the operation and development of Í, a digital information and service provider for public entities in Iceland. All Digital Iceland projects are carried out in collaboration with ministries and institutions.
On Í and in the Í app, individuals and companies can obtain information and services from the government and municipalities. Information is published directly on the website, or the user is transferred to a website of the relevant office, institution or municipality, depending on where the data is accessible. The same applies when applying for services or rights.
More about the policy
This privacy policy provides a comprehensive overview of personal data processing on Í and the Í app, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
Thus, the policy covers all processing of personal data on the website Í and the Í app and everyone who visits the website or uses the Í app. To complement this policy, reference is made to the privacy policy of the Government of Iceland, which is available in Icelandic on the Government website.
Personal data, as defined in this policy, is any information about an identified or identifiable individual, i.e. information that can be directly or indirectly attributed to a specific individual.
Data that is non-personally identifiable is not considered personal data.
Services on Í are twofold.
Í contains various general information about public services. No personal information is collected or otherwise processed when using Í
On My pages Í and in Í app, you can access more specific information and services from the public sector.
Public information: is retrieved and displayed to the user in a designated area on Í
Below is an overview of what information is retrieved and displayed:
Basic information from Registers Iceland about an identified user, such as name, social security number, legal address, place of birth, citizenship, gender, relationship, marital status and registration in a religious organisation.
Information about other parties with the same family number as the identified user, such as name, social security number, legal address, gender, relationship and marital status.
Information from the Property Registry about real estate, land and plots of land that the user is the registered owner of. Information from the Icelandic Transport Authority's vehicle register. Intellectual property rights from the Icelandic Intellectual Property Office. Machinery from the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health.
Information about the academic record from the upper secondary schools that register in Inna, such as courses, school attendance and grades. Information from the University of Iceland regarding graduation ceremonies and official academic transcripts.
Information about the user's status with the National Treasury and institutions, such as payments made, payment slips, payment receipts and a summary of outstanding invoices.
Information about the user's driving license from the District Commissioners.
Information about user rights from the Social Insurance Administration.
Information about entitlement status and co-payments from Iceland Health.
Information about living in rural areas from the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration regarding Loftbrú.
Social security number and authentication: Used to identify a user on My pages Í Also used in the Í app for authentication with electronic ID, but offers the use of a PIN number and facial recognition/fingerprint scanning on the phone after the user has authenticated with electronic ID.
Contact information: When a user identifies themselves on My pages Í for the first time, the user is requested to register general contact information. Information such as email address, phone number and language preference. The user can update this information themselves on the website. A record of the user's action history is stored if contact information is changed.
Digital mailbox: Under My pages Í and in the Í app is the Digital mailbox that contains electronic documents that public institutions and municipalities use to communicate information or send to individuals and companies. The Digital mailbox is the main communication channel between the public sector and citizens in the future. In digital mailbox users can access information about payment slips and receipts, property valuation notifications and assessment results.
Application process: In some instances, applying directly for specific services or exercising special rights through Í is possible. Applications and accompanying documents are accessible on the website and the status of applications is visible in the Í app. This includes Loftbrú, a project under the responsibility of the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration. Obtaining additional information, such as income or residence, is necessary to assess whether an applicant is entitled to support. When this is the case, the applicant is informed about the information gathering in the application process.
Digital driver's license: Information about a user's driving rights is retrieved from the driver's license register and published on My pages Í and in the Í app.
In cases where a user of Í is transferred to the website of an appropriate institution when he wants to obtain specific information or apply for a service; it is the appropriate institution that informs about the processing of personal data.
When handling personal information, Digital Iceland ensures that it only processes information necessary and appropriate for the purpose pursued at any given time.
Digital Iceland processes personal information about users to provide the right service and ensure its quality, which the public sector is obliged to do by law, whether such service involves disseminating information to individuals and/or companies or granting them certain rights.
Digital Iceland also processes personal information to send users information about the services they apply for via SMS or email.
Promoting digital services is one of the government's priorities, and work is underway to ensure that digital communication becomes the primary means of communication between the public and the public sector. Part of this promotion is creating a platform My Pages Í, which compiles and publishes public information about users in one place. Such information provision simplifies the overview for users and enables them to take appropriate measures or change such registration if necessary.
Promotion and marketing: Digital Iceland uses non-personally identifiable information for marketing purposes to promote its own products and services in accordance with applicable law and on the basis of legitimate interests unless a user has specifically objected to such processing.
The public sector's dissemination of information through Í is based on points 3. and 5. of Article 9. of Act No. 90/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Processing of Personal Data, which states that the processing of personal data is permitted if it is necessary to comply with a legal obligation to which rests on the registered. The same applies when users submit an application for a service or exercise their rights through the website.
Personal information on Í and in the Í app comes either from individuals or from the relevant office, institution or municipality. Individuals register contact information themselves, such as email address, phone number and account number under My settings on My pages Í Further discussion of the origin of information that the public sector communicates through Í can be found in the privacy policy of the relevant office, institution or municipality.
My data
Under "My data" on My pages Í and in the Í app, essential information from the Registers Iceland about an identified user is displayed, such as name, social security number, legal address, place of birth, citizenship, gender, relationship, marital status and registration in a religious organisation. Also, information about other parties with the same family number as the identified user is displayed there, such as their name, social security number, legal address, gender, relationship and marital status.
Under "Applications", the permits and applications that an identified user has applied for on Í, both as an individual and on behalf of others, will be published. This information comes from the Digital Iceland Application System, which allows users to apply for various services electronically and monitor the application process.
Digital mailbox
Under "Digital mailbox", all documents that an identified user has with all public institutions in the country and municipalities are displayed. In Digital mailbox electronic documents, such as payment slips and receipts, notifications of property valuations and assessment results, can be accessed.
My settings
Under "My settings", there is information about an identified user's access, such as email address, phone number and account number. The user enters this information himself and can change it at any time.
Under "Finance", there is information about the user's status with the treasury and institutions, such as payments made, payment slips, payment receipts and a summary of outstanding invoices. This information is obtained from all public institutions in the country.
Under "Education", you can find academic information of an identified user from upper secondary schools and the University of Iceland. From Inna, there is academic information about an identified user from the upper secondary schools that register in Inna, such as academic career, school attendance, and grades. Graduates from the University of Iceland can access information about graduation and access academic records.
Under "Assets", you can find information about registered assets such as real estate, intellectual property rights, vehicles and machinery. Information about registered real estate, land and plots comes from the Housing and Construction Authority. Information about vehicles is from the Icelandic Transport Authority's vehicle register. Intellectual property rights come from the Icelandic Intellectual Property Office and machinery from the register of the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health.
Under "Transfer" information from the Social Insurance Administration is displayed if an identified user is entitled to payments from the institution. It is also possible to submit an income estimate when applying for a pension.
Under "Certificates", you will find information about the valid certificates and privileges of the identified user. These include driving licenses, European Health Insurance Card and passport information.
Under "Health", various information is retrieved from Iceland Health. It contains information about the identified user's entitlement status and payment participation. For example, information about the right to physiotherapy, speech, and occupational therapy.
Under “Loftbrú” there is information from the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration about rights related to living in rural areas.
Laws and Regulations
Under "Laws and Regulations" there is information and an overview of cases that an identified user may have with the judicial system.
Work Permits
Under "Work Permits" you will find information about the valid work permits of the identified user.
Personal information related to Í is only accessible to employees of Digital Iceland and, where applicable, contractors who provide specific, limited services to Digital Iceland. It may also be accessible to employees of the office, institution or municipality from which it originates. In some cases, it may be legally required to provide information to others, such as regulatory authorities or courts.
When applying for services or rights on Í, the institution and its employees providing the service have access to the information sent concerning the requested service or rights.
Public bodies that share information on Í have an obligation to preserve information according to the Public Archives No. 77/2014 Act. They are generally not permitted to delete the data. Other information related to the website use is only stored for as long as necessary, but this varies depending on the nature of the information and circumstances.
A digital driver's license is useful to anyone who has earned the right to drive and owns a smartphone. The digital license verifies that the person in question has a valid driver's license and includes all the same information that is presented on the physical driver's license.
Digital driver's licenses are equivalent to traditional driver's licenses but are only valid in Iceland.
A digital driver's license confirms that the person has a valid driving license and contains the same information as a traditional driver's license.
Verification of digital driver's licenses
The Í app contains software that can be used to scan digital driver's licenses to confirm the accuracy of the information on the license. The software is part of the digital driver's license technology solution. It is issued based on an agreement and cooperation between the National Police Commissioner and Digital Iceland and is subject to Í privacy policy.
Scanning a digital driver's license involves looking up whether the license holder has a valid driving license, the name and ID number of the license holder in the National Police Commissioner's driver's license database to confirm the accuracy of the above information. No personal information is stored on the phones used for scanning, nor is it further processed or distributed in any way.
Consent for scanning
By presenting a digital driver's license, the license holder consents to verify the license's validity using a software scanner that retrieves information from the National Police Commissioner's driver's license database.
Police and third-party verification of individuals' driving licenses is carried out driving licenses is based on Regulation 830/2011 on driving licenses.
Digital driving licenses are issued by the National Commissioner of the Icelandic Police through Í based on Regulation No. 830/2011 on driving licenses.
Í uses a web analytics tool from Plausible to analyse the use of the website. Its purpose is to obtain statistical information to improve and develop the website and the information published there. This information gives insight, for example, how many users open specific subpages on the website, for how long they are viewed, what content users search for in the search engine on the site, from which websites users enter the site and what type of browser they use to view it. No personally identifiable information is collected for this purpose.
Strong emphasis is placed on the security of personal information related to Í and the Í app. All parties who work with such personal information are bound by confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements. For this reason, great emphasis is placed on ensuring their security is guaranteed at all processing stages through organisational and technical measures. The website is encrypted with HTTPS (hypertext transfer protocol secure) to promote adequate security of the information that passes through the website.
There are various rules in place regarding data security on Í, e.g. access restrictions, information system security, and an active Information security policy of Digital Iceland. Furthermore, Digital Iceland requires its operating and hosting partners to be certified according to the ISO/IEC 27001 standard. That deals with information security management systems and is intended to promote stability in the operation of information systems and information security. In the event of a security breach, all such matters will be handled in accordance with the law on privacy and the processing of personal data.
Each time a new product or core service is released by Digital Iceland, an independent party is hired as an associated certification to review that product with regard to information security.
Act No. 90/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Processing of Personal Data provides for various rights for individuals.
Access to your personal information: You are required to confirm whether and what personal information is being processed about you. Access to the information must then be provided upon request. In addition, certain minimum information must be provided about the processing of personal information, which can be found both in this policy and in the policies of the relevant public bodies at any given time.
Portability of personal data: The right to port your personal data only applies when the processing is based on consent or by a contract. In a few cases, this applies to processing personal data on Í
Correction or deletion of personal data: You can always request that incorrect or inaccurate personal data be corrected. The right to deletion, however, does not apply to the processing of personal data by governments, as they are obliged under the Public Archives Act to preserve all information they receive.
Restriction or objection to the processing of personal data: In some instances, it is possible to request that the processing of personal data be restricted. Objecting to the processing may also be possible, but in this case, legitimate reasons for the processing must be demonstrated.
In general, requests from individuals wishing to exercise their rights should be made directly to the information controller, the public entity from which the information originates, such as an office, institution or municipality. Likewise, it is always possible to direct messages to Digital Iceland, which will either process them, forward them or guide individuals on where to turn. You can contact Digital Iceland.
Special emphasis is placed on ensuring that the rights of individuals are properly safeguarded when processing personal information on Í If a dispute arises regarding it, the registered individual can always contact the Icelandic Data Protection Authority by sending an email to
Digital Iceland, which is responsible for the operation and development of Í, is under the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. Its Data Protection Officer is the Data Protection Officer of the Government, who can be contacted by phone at 545-8800 or by email at Information about data protection officers of other public bodies that use Í in their communications with the public is available on their websites.
This text was translated from Icelandic using a machine translation. Be advised that content generated by machine translation can be inaccurate or flawed.