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Tax returns

The National Archives of Iceland keeps tax returns of individuals and legal entities that have been submitted by tax offices around the country. They contain various information about rights, such as pension rights, building reports, mortgage purchases, fund days and more. These sources are subject to access restrictions.

In order to process tax returns, certain basic information must be available:

  • Name and date of birth of the person who declares

  • In which municipality the person concerned was domiciled

  • Year of income in which the

  • Name and date of birth of the spouse in the case of co-taxation

Tax returns submitted on paper have mostly been submitted to the National Archives for preservation. The main exceptions are:

  • Tax returns from Reykjavík up to 1981 are archived in the Reykjavík City Archives.

  • Tax returns from the South after 1960

  • Tax returns from the West Fjords after 1984

Inquiry about tax return