Marine planning
Comments on proposals for farming areas
Before the Marine Research Institute decides on the demarcation of fish farming areas, the Institute shall seek the opinion of the National Planning Agency, the Environment Agency and, where appropriate, the regional council of the area concerned on its proposal.
Decision on demarcation of farming areas
The Marine Research Institute determines the demarcation of fish farming areas in accordance with the laws and regulations on aquaculture.
The decision should be made on the basis of the sheer capacity and the best overall use of the potential farming areas, as well as taking into account other activities in the area and existing applications for aquaculture.
Where there is a coastal zone plan according to the Law on the Structure of the Sea and Coastal Areas, the Agency shall take this into account.
The decision to demarcate fish farming areas is a prerequisite for the Minister of Fisheries to be able to allocate areas for aquaculture in the sea.
Presentation of the proposal by the Marine Research Institute
If a coastal zone plan is not available, the Agency shall make the proposal of the Marine Research Institute public and provide a three-week period for submitting comments before the Agency gives an opinion to the Marine Research Institute.
Relationships with the development of coastal regional planning
The Coastal Planning Agency is working on the coastal area plan on behalf of the regional councils. The coastal area plan shall define policies and provisions for the allocation of the whole area covered by the coastal area plan.
It considers the exploitation and protection of remote areas and bays and the interaction between different exploitations.
Fisheries are among the areas covered by the plan, but other aspects included in the plan include energy production, construction, materials, transportation, protection, outdoor activities and tourism.
The planning work therefore looks comprehensively at a wide range of interests and considerations that need to be balanced when deciding on the future use of the relevant planning area.
The comments of the organising body
Comments and comments on the Marine Research Institute's proposals for farming areas for aquaculture.