The tariff of the Centre for Communication can be found here:
Sign language courses A1 and A2 day courses (30 lessons in a group, including course material) – ISK 39.750 per person.
Sign language courses A1 and A2 evening courses (30 lessons in a group, including course material) – ISK 49.700 per person.
For sign language courses of a different length, run by the Center, the fee will be charged in proportion with the number of hours.
For outsourced work of the employees of the Communication Centre, the following shall be charged:
After hour rate -ISK 15.000.
Driving fee within the capital area - ISK 2,500.
If employees of the Communication Centre need to travel outside the capital area or abroad, employees' fares are charged according to the invoice, and per diem allowances are collected according to the Travel Expenses Committee of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.
The minimum fee for services during daytime hours is one hour. After that every half hour that is started is charged.
The minimum fee for services outside daytime hours is at least the equivalent of three hours', following the after hour rate.
The communication center is authorized to provide sign language speaking individuals with free interpretation services in everyday life.
Individuals who speak sign language can request a sign language interpreter for various situations in everyday life.
In connections with this, the Communication Center is authorized to pay the travel costs of a sign language interpreter outside the Reykjavík area, on the basis of a special appropriation in the budget each year.
When processing requests on the basis of this authorization, equality between users of the service shall be ensured, with regard to the budget available at any given time.
If a booking needs to be cancelled an email should be sent to: tulkur@shh.is, with the following information:
Booking number
The name of the person who made the original booking
Date and time of the original booking
The interpretation service must be canceled at least 24 hours in advance, otherwise a minimum fee, equivalent to one hour of interpretation will be charged, according to the tariff. If the booking concerns a series of events the interpretation service must be canceled at least 2 weeks in advance.
If the time and date of the interpretation needs to be changed, a new booking must be made. Bookings are not accepted through the email address mentioned above.