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Organisation chart

The Director-General is CEO of the Directorate of Fisheries. The Agency is divided into three line management divisions and two support divisions.

Organization chart

The line management divisions are Salmonid Fisheries Management, Surveillance and Administration and Information. The support divisions are Information Technology and the Office of the CEO.

The current organisational chart took effect on 1 October 2021

CEO of the Directorate of fisheries is Elín Björg Ragnarsdóttir

Main tasks of operating units

Office of the CEO

Financial and operational affairs, human resources, services, records management, quality, information security, data protection and international relations.

Surveillance Division

Monitoring of Icelandic and foreign fishing vessels in the Icelandic EEZ as well as the fishing of Icelandic vessels in all other waters. Monitoring of proper weighing and catch registration. Issuing of weighing permits for reweighing catches. Issuing of processing licences to processing vessels . Monitoring of fishing gear and equipment of fishing vessels, the validity of fishing licences and the entry of catch logs. Control of the species composition and size of catches. Monitoring of gravel mining in river beds.

Deputy Director of the Surveillance Division: Sævar Guðmundsson

Division of Administration and Information

The collection, processing and publication of data related to the fisheries.. Issuing of fishing licences, allocation of quotas, monitoring of the status of catches, service to landing ports for registration of catch at landing, issuing of catch certificates, calculation and levying of fines for illegal catches, allocation of regional quotas and administrative procedures.

Director of Administration and Information: Erna Jónsdottir

Salmonid fisheries management

Registration of owners of fishing rights in rivers and lakes and holders of rights to trout fishing in the sea. Overseeing procedure in cases arising from fishing association bylaws. Issuing of research licences and fishing licences for fresh water research.

Director of Salmonid Fisheries Management: Guðni Magnús Eiríksson

Division of Information Technology

Development, design, construction and operation of information systems and management of databases.

Director of Information Technology: Sigurjón Friðjónsson