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The Directorate of Fisheries is responsible for the implementation of legislation in the field of fisheries management, as well as salmon and trout fishing. The main roles of the Directorate of Fisheries are the granting of fishing licences, the allocation of fishing permits and monitoring of fishing activities and the weighing of fish catches.

fiskistofa drone surveillance photo

Remotely Piloted Aircraft monitoring in July

Remotely Piloted Aircrafts will be used for monitoring by the Directorate of Fisheries in July and we would like to ask fishermen to keep in mind that all recordings are carefully examined and fish that goes overboard is species analyzed.

fish sea

Allocation of catch shares for lumpfish

The Icelandic parliament, Althingi, passed a law which will enter into force on 1st of September, that stipulate that vessels will be allocated catch shares in lumpfish.

Further information
fiskistofa regional quota photo

Applications for regional quota 2023/2024 (8)

Applications are now accepted for regional quota for the fishing year 2023/2024.

Further information
fiskistofa fish in net photo

Tuna caught as bycatch

Tuna can be caught as bycatch in pelagic fisheries, therefore we would like to draw attention to the fact that all tuna catches must be reported to the Directorate of Fisheries as soon as possible.

Further information

Application for coastal fishing permit

Applications for permits for coastal fishing are now open.

Catch logbook

Everything you need to know about catch logbooks

Applications for lumpfish fishing permit

Applications are now accepted for lumpfish fishing permits.