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About the Directorate of Fisheries

The Directorate of Fisheries is an agency of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. The Directorate of Fisheries oversees the implementation of laws on marine fisheries management as well as salmon and trout fishing in rivers and lakes.

Mission and vision


The role of the Directorate of Fisheries is to oversee the implementation of the Fisheries Management Act, to supervise fishing, processing and publication thereof.

Vision of the future

Fiskistofa is a progressive and efficient administrative and regulatory body, which is a leader in fisheries management worldwide.


The values of the Directorate of Fisheries


Surveillance and service, done professionally with equality as a guiding principle. We have confidence and trust in each other. Take responsibility for our projects, providing support and guidance in following them through.


Continuous improvement work. Technology and knowledge used to achieve good results. We show initiative and support education, development and innovation in our work.


Positive attitude, honesty and fair communication. We show each other respect - in both speech and action.


Focus of the Directorate of Fisheries

Information and data analysis

  • Gather and share more extensive information and knowledge about fishing and resource so that outlook and practices become purposeful and transparent.

  • Improve access to real-time information with the needs of stakeholders in mind.

  • Ensure the reliability of information/data of the Directorate of Fisheries.


  • Use analytics and risk assessment for more targeted and effective surveillance.

  • Prevent criminal behavior by providing instructions and information and thus contribute to better handling of the resource.

Practices and services

  • Simplify procedure and practices across operations, guided by efficiency and automation.

  • Promote targeted and organized professional development to build on employee satisfaction and professional activities of the Directorate of Fisheries.

  • Implement project culture that focuses on transparency and interdisciplinary teamwork.


  • Extensive collaboration with economic partners with mutual benefits in mind.

  • Collaboration that promotes innovation and the development of the Directorate of Fisheries. Both foreign and domestic.