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The lumpfish season starts on March 1st

26th February 2024

Applications for lumpfish fishing permits have been opened.

fiskistofa coastal fishing photo

Own-account workers and authorised signatories apply for the permit through digital application system on Í and the regulation on lumpfish fishing for the year 2024 applies to the fishing. The permit is paid for during the application process and the permit can be issued immediately or a different start date can be chosen. Upon entry into force, the permit is sent to the person concerned mailbox at

Main rule changes:

  • The fishing season is from 1st of March with the exception of innanverðum Breiðafirði where fishing is allowed from 20th of May.

  • A fishing permit is granted for 25 days.

  • Between 1st and 20th of March, each landing counts as one fishing day.

  • Vessel can take one break from fishing until 20th of March, and then consecutive fishing days begin minus the days that have already been used.


  • General fishing permit.

  • Vessel needs to have lumpfish rights.

  • The lumpfish rights need to be active.

  • If permit is in storage you should send e-mail to, requesting the lumpfish rights to be removed from storage.

All detailed information about the rules, conditions and fishing arrangements can be found in article about lumpfish fishing permit.