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Applications for permits for eel fishing have been opened

16th February 2024

The application deadline for the year 2024 is April 1st.

fisher man net

All eel fishing is prohibited at sea, rivers and lakes in Iceland according to the regulation on the ban on eel fishing, unless a special permit has been obtained from the Directorate of Fisheries for eel fishing for personal consumption.


  • The Directorate of Fisheries can grant permission for limited fishing of eel for own consumption where fishing has been or will be done as a farm catch.

  • Applications must include information about the applicant's fishing for the last 5 years.

  • Licenses are subject to the condition that all catches are registered and that annual reports on fishing and catches are sent to the Directorate Fisheries.

  • Licenses are subject to the condition that all catches are registered and that annual reports on fishing and catches are sent to the Directorate of Fisheries.

  • All sales and marketing of eel and eel products are prohibited.

  • Applications should be sent via email to

After examining the applications and after receiving a review of them from the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, permits for eel fishing for personal consumption will be issued, stating the conditions for fishing in accordance with the above regulation.