23rd December 2022
23rd December 2022
This news article is more than a year old
Newsletter December 2022
Newsletter from Digital Iceland December 2022.

Happy Holidays
The year is coming to an end where Ísland.is has grown, expanded, and improved information and digital services for Icelanders. Several institutions have moved both their websites and/or services to Ísland.is, thereby strengthening information provision to the people of Iceland and helping to simplify their lives.
Speed in modern society is constantly increasing, and the demands on adaptability increase simultaneously. This also applies to our demands for good service and information provision. What seems inevitable today was only a distant dream a year ago. It is, therefore, a good idea for us all to use the holidays to pause a bit, look back and remember how much we have achieved.
In the following newsletter, we will review the biggest projects of 2022, but in this one, we will show a fraction of the projects published in the last few weeks. The projects differ and have different levels of visibility, but all are important for improving public digital services.
Licences for fireworks displays digital
A digital licence to hold fireworks displays can now be found on Ísland.is as part of an extensive collaboration with the Environment Agency.
What is the Iceland Digital Mailbox, and for whom?
The digital mailbox of Ísland.is is fully implemented by institutions.
Improved access for disabled people to Ísland.is Digital Mailbox
Digital barriers removed: Personal spokesmen can now help disabled people access digital communications on Ísland.is.
Read more on improved access fro disabled pepole
The book that is never lost - digital driving learning
A major milestone in digitising driving learning has been reached with the activation of the digital driving study book by the Icelandic Transportation Authority.
More on digital driving studies
Digital registrations of real estate activities
Full preparations for the electronic registration of real estate purchases.
Electronic payments in the Icelandic application system.
The Directorate of Fisheries was the first to pay electronically in the Icelandic application system. The examiner may therefore make payments on behalf of the undertaking. The agencies are available to open a procurement agency for applications that require payment from the Icelandic application system.
Welcome to the Directorate of Fisheries
The Directorate of Fisheries has moved its website to Iceland.is, thereby enhancing the information delivery and diversity of the site. Welcome to the Directorate of Fisheries!
Directorate of Fisheries website
Welcome Office of the Attorney General
The State Attorney saw his advantage in moving his website to Iceland.is and is now involved in supporting the website. Welcome, Office of the Attorney General.
Office of the Attorney General website
Amongst current Digital Iceland projects:
Your passport - publishing information on My pages in Ísland.is and in the Ísland.is app
Digital passport application
Agency-authentication system
Ownership of a vehicle
Order vehicle registration number
Renewal of driving licences
Registration of the supervisor for practice driving
Digital inheritance report
Digital registrations of real estate deeds
Digital registration of real estate purchase contracts
Mortgage estate exchange order
Request for the Survey of Marriage Conditions
Displaying vehicles and real estate in Iceland.is app
Publication of graduation documents from the University of Iceland on My pages in Ísland.is.
Publication of the Icelandic Estate Registry.is
Application for operating licences for restaurants and tourist accommodation establishments
Driving time records of driving instructors
Homeownership open for deployment overview 2022
Digital submission of annual financial statements to the National Audit Office
Two-year roadmap for digital municipal services in Ísland.is
Financial assistance from the Icelandic Municipalities at Íslandis.
The website of the Directorate of Health in Ísland.is
Web site of the Suðurlands Healthcare Authority in Ísland.is
The website of Rikkaup, Ísland.is