17th November 2022
17th November 2022
This news article is more than a year old
Improved access for disabled people to Ísland.is Digital Mailbox
Digital barriers removed: Personal spokesmen can now help disabled people access digital communications on Ísland.is.

An important step in removing digital barriers for disabled people in this country has been taken. Personal spokesmen can now represent their clients on My Pages in Ísland.is and gain access to their digital mailbox, including official communications. A clear call has been made for the changes, and Digital Iceland has worked on them, along with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, including rights protection officers for disabled people.
A digital spokesperson database has been developed, which is a breakthrough and allows personal spokesmen to log on by authenticating themselves with their eID on behalf of their clients based on an agreement between them. The first service to be launched is access to a digital mailbox, and the next step is to connect the voice database to other agencies so that speakers can access digital services on behalf of their clients. Work is ongoing on these connections.
Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour:
“We should do everything we can to remove the barriers that disabled people face in the digital world. I have emphasized this. The step taken here is only the first, but it is vital. The ultimate goal is clear: to ensure that those who are unable to make use of electronic ID themselves have access through their personal spokesman."
Andri Heiðar Kristinsson, CEO of Digital Iceland:
“It has been a priority for us at Digital Iceland to ensure equal access to digital public services. We are delighted that the technological solution is now ready and we will support its implementation to the best of our ability, as it is a clear policy from the government that everyone who wants to use digital services has the opportunity to do so."
What must be done to enable personal spokespersons' access in Ísland.is?
A special agreement is made for a personal spokesman to be able to log on with his/her own electronic ID on behalf of the disabled individual.
The agreement is concluded in consultation with the rights protection officer for disabled people and specifies what authorisation a spokesman shall have and for how long the mandate applies.
A personal spokesman shall then submit the information to the public database, activating the spokesman's access to a digital mailbox, the first service to be opened.
Personal spokesman logs on to Ísland.is My pages. Once on the website, the person concerned can choose between his own account and the access of the person he/she is authorised to have. The spokesman selects the appropriate user for each instance.
What is a personal spokesman?
A personal spokesman is a person who represents the interests of an individual who, due to his or her disability, has difficulty safeguarding his or her interests himself or herself. The rights protection officer shall establish and confirm an agreement between the disabled individual and the spokesman.
A personal spokesman helps the disabled individual to express his or her wishes and monitors that they are being followed.
Earlier this autumn, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour moved a course for personal spokesmen online, which was also to remove barriers for disabled people. Previously, there had been long waiting lists for courses for personal spokesmen, but these are a condition for them to be able to become speakers. The changes provided an earlier and more effective introduction to the number of disabled people.
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour and Digital Iceland cooperated on this project.