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The Í App

Applications cannot be completed unless a copy of all requested documents is included as an attachment in pdf format.

Note that some supporting documents must also be submitted to the Directorate of Immigration in paper format. They can be sent by regular mail to the Directorate of Immigration or delivered to the drop box in the Directorate's lobby in Dalvegur 18 in Kópavogur.

If you believe that any necessary supporting documents for your application are already at the Directorate of Immigration, we ask you to have this confirmed by contacting us before submitting the application.

Additional documents for children

If you also apply for your child under the age of 18, you must submit the following documents for the child.

Exemption from document requirements

The Directorate of Immigration may grant an exemption from the requirement to submit documents from the home country or previous country of residence, if the applicant's circumstances are unusual or compelling reasons of fairness recommend it.

The exemption is intended for applicants who, due to their circumstances, are unable to provide adequate identity documents or a sufficient criminal record. Examples include refugees who have received protection due to persecution by the government in their home country or refugees from war-torn areas where infrastructure is lacking. For the exemption to apply, the applicant must meet other conditions for the granting of citizenship.

Apply for citizenship