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Icelandic test for citizenship

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If you apply for Icelandic citizenship, you may need to take an Icelandic language test.


Icelandic tests for citizenship are held twice a year.


It costs 40,000 ISK.


Mímir is responsible for enrollment in the tests.

Registration fee must be paid to confirm admission to the test.

Information about dates and registration at Mími

Test location

The tests are held in lifelong learning centres all over the country.

  • Reykjavík in the spring and autumn

  • Akureyri in the spring and autumn

  • Egilsstaðir in the spring

  • Ísafjörður in the spring

If you need help

You can get assistance with the test due to dyslexia or disability.

Contact Mímir if you think you need help. Mimir tells you about the appropriate resources.

Next: Results

Directorate of Education and School Services

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Telephone: 514 7500
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Opening hours

Monday to Thursday:
09:00 - 15:00
Friday: 09:00 - 12:00


Víkurhvarf 3

203 Kópavogur

Kennitala: 660124-1280