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Half old age pension

If you want to cut back on your employment but not quit the labour market completely, you can apply for half old age pension.

If you already receive a full old age pension, you cannot apply for a half old age pension.

Apply for half old age pension


You may be entitled to half an old-age pension alongside work if you:

  1. meet the general conditions for old age pension in Iceland

  2. are authorised to withdraw half-pension from your pension fund

  3. have confirmation from the employer of a maximum 50 percent employment rate

This is the average job ratio for the calendar year. It is therefore acceptable to work more than 50 percent during some months and less during other months as long as the average does not exceed 50 percent in one year.

Use the pension calculator to get an idea of the amount you are entitled to

Income plan

The amount of half old age pension is linked to income. Exemption thresholds determine how much the old age pension is reduced in proportion to other income. Therefore , it is important that your income plan is always correct.

You can change your income plan on My pages of the Social Insurance Administration.

Application process

To apply for half old age pension you must have:

  • electronic identification

  • consent from your pension fund that you may begin drawing half pension

  • to plan for your future income (income plan)

  • information on personal tax credit

  • confirmation from employer of employment ratio

In addition, it is a good idea to have:

  • information on your financial income and that of your spouse, e.g. interest and indexation, dividends, rental income and selling profit

  • possible data on stay and employment abroad

How to apply

  1. Click on Apply for

  2. Log on with an electronic identification

  3. Select Applications

  4. Tick the category 65+

  5. Select the application Half old-age pension

  6. Fill in the application and attach an accompanying document if you have it available

  7. Click Send application

Applications may also be made for:

  • at the Social Insurance Administration Service Centre

  • with agents, who are stationed with District Commissioners outside the capital area

Processing time for applications

Applications for old age pension can take up to four weeks to process after all documents have been handed in.

You can follow the status of applications in My pages under the Application status. If you need documents, you will receive an e-mail and notification on My pages under My documents.

You can withdraw your application within 30 days after the application is approved. If you have already received a pension payment during the period, you will have to pay it back.


Once you have the results, you will receive an e-mail and notification on My pages under My documents.

There you can see the amounts for the year in the payment schedule and change the income plan if needed.

If you disagree with the decision, you can:

Arrangement of payments

Half old age pension is prepaid on the first day of each month and you receive the amount in your bank account, which is stated on My pages.

You can receive one payment per year if there is credit after the yearly recalculation of benefits, this is done after tax returns have been completed. You can apply for one payment per year on My pages.

The advantage of getting paid once a year based on your tax return is that you get exactly what you are entitled to. Then there is no risk of receiving a claim during settlement due to overpaid pension.