Marine planning
Proposed farming areas for aquaculture in Arnarfjörður
3rd July 2020
The Marine Research Institute has sent the Icelandic National Planning Agency, in accordance with Article 4a of the Law on Aquaculture, its proposal for the demarcation of farming areas for aquaculture in Arnarfjörður. This is the first proposal for farming areas that is prepared on the basis of this legal provision. The Marine Research Institute’s decision on farming areas is a prerequisite for the Minister of Fisheries to be able to allocate areas for aquaculture in the sea.
Presentation period until 7 August 2020
The Marine Research Institute has sent the Icelandic National Planning Agency, in accordance with Article 4a of the Law on Aquaculture, its proposal for the demarcation of farming areas for aquaculture in Arnarfjörður. This is the first proposal for farming areas that is prepared on the basis of this legal provision. The Marine Research Institute’s decision on farming areas is a prerequisite for the Minister of Fisheries to be able to allocate areas for aquaculture in the sea.
The amendments to the Law on Aquaculture which took effect in 2019 stipulate that the Marine Research Institute (MSRI) should determine a marine farming area based on the structural fitness and the best overall utilization of the possible farming areas. Furthermore, the coastal zone planning should be taken into account when deciding a farming area, if available.
If there is no coastal zone plan in the area in question, the National Planning Agency shall present the Marine Research Institute's proposal for farming areas and give those who vote the option to submit comments on the proposal, before the National Planning Agency provides an opinion to the Marine Research Institute on it. There is no coastal zone plan in Arnarfjörður, but such a plan is being worked on for the Westfjords.
The presentation of the proposal will give the local authorities and those with knowledge of the nature and exploitation of the area the opportunity to communicate information about the conditions and activities in the area that are important to consider before deciding on the demarcation of farming areas.
All can study the Marine Research Institute’s proposal for farming areas in Arnarfjörður and submit comments. They shall be in writing and be received by 7 August 2020 by letter or by e-mail. The Icelandic National Planning Agency will then submit a comment to the Marine Research Institute, which will explain the comments received.