Marine planning
Diverse activities and birdlife and nature in the coastal areas of the Eastern and Westfjords
16th April 2021
The Icelandic National Planning Agency has published preliminary and consultation reports for the work on the development of coastal area planning in the East Fjords and West Fjords. Diverse activities and resource utilization are carried out in the planning areas as well as they are used for outdoor activities of various kinds. The areas are connected to important bird areas and a number of seals, as well as areas protected by vegetation, landscape, wildlife and natural resources.
This means that, among other things, the responsibility for the appointment of regional councils for the development of coastal planning, the appointment of consultation groups for the development of coastal planning and the approval of coastal planning will in future be in the hands of the Minister of Infrastructure.
More information on the move is available on the website of the Icelandic National Planning Agency.