The Í App
17th May 2023
A visit from the Universal Association of Sign Language interpreters.
25th April 2023
The Centre for Communication offers meetings for sign language children and their families in Spilvinnir, Suðurlandsbraut 48.
17th April 2023
It has been decided to teach Symbol 3 this season. Symbol 3 shall begin on Tuesday 25 April and end on Tuesday 13 June.
28th March 2023
Þann 3. apríl verður opið hús á SHH kl. 15-16.
1st March 2023
We would like to remind you that Symbol 2 will start on 2 March and end on 18 April.
11th February 2023
On the occasion of the Icelandic Sign Language Day, the Centre for Communication publishes a lecture by Hólmfríður Þóroddsdóttir on the influence of preparation on the quality of sign language interpretation.
On the Icelandic Sign Language Day and the anniversary of the Deaf Society, on 11 February, the three-member board of the Society recognised three members for excellence in their work and everyday tasks.
The thesis explores the reasons for and effects of legal recognition of Icelandic Sign Language.
10th January 2023
Icelandic Sign Language, ÍTM, is the theme of the last issue of the publication, the journal of the University of Iceland Institute of Humanities, in recent years.
11th November 2022
On 11 November, the Centre for Communication received a visit from Julius Birgir Jóhannsson. The occasion was the handover of the artwork Hendur, made by Julius in collaboration with Marel ehf. and Mótefni ehf.