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One of the objectives of planning laws is to ensure public consultation when planning is made. Planning decisions are of public interest and can lead to major changes in the environment. It is therefore important that public opinion is taken into consideration when planning is made.
Public consultation in the planning process depends on the subject and the scope of the work at any given time.
Skipulagslög ensure that planning work is publicly publicised and that the public is given the opportunity to observe and participate in the development of proposals for the layout of the settlement and the development of the environment.
You can find information in Skipulagsgátt on the work in progress, comment on the work in progress, and access final documents and approvals.
Promotion and consultation in the preparation of the organisation
The municipality begins the work on planning with the preparation of a description, which describes the draft of the planning work and how it is planned to comply with the planning act.
The municipality will publicly present the description and the public will have the opportunity to make suggestions to the municipality about the topics and priorities of the planning work.
Public consultations at the planning planning stage depend on the nature and scope of the planning work at any given time, according to what is described in the description of the planning project. It is common to convene focus groups of residents or to invite them to consultation meetings where the planned planning work is presented and participants given the opportunity to propose and discuss suggestions and ideas.
When a plan is in the works, it is presented at a meeting of residents or in another satisfactory way.
When a final planning proposal is available, it is submitted to the local authority for approval, after which the proposal is publicly advertised for publicity.
The plan proposal is formally announced for public consultation and the public is given the opportunity to submit written comments to the local authority.
The main and regional planning proposals and subdivisional plans (other than minor modifications) are advertised at a minimum 6 week notice period. Proposed subdivisional changes are briefed to the neighbours of the land concerned. Such briefing lasts for 4 weeks, but the briefing may be shortened if certain conditions are met.
The municipality shall discuss and consider any comments received during the presentation of the planning proposal and shall send the comments to those who commented on the announced proposal.
The power of appeal
Those who have a legal interest in the planning decision can appeal the planning decision to the Environment and Natural Resources Committee. This applies to land owners, neighbours and associations that meet certain conditions.
The appealable decisions:
Approval of the divisional structure. The appeal period is one month.
Granting of a construction permit. The appeal period is one month.