Laws and regulations
This website uses automatic translation for English content, which may not fully capture the original meaning. For complete accuracy, refer to the Icelandic version, which is the official source.
The following laws and regulations are within the scope of the organisation.
The Icelandic Constitution 123/2010
Law on the organization of the sea and coastal areas no. 88/2018
Law on environmental assessment of projects and programmes No. 111/2021
Law on the Environment and Natural Resources Committee No. 130/2011
Law on Policies and Action Plans in the Areas of Housing and Planning, Transport and Regional Affairs No. 30/2023
Structural Regulation No 90/2013
Regulation on the development of coastal zone planning No. 330/2020
Regulation on environmental assessment of projects and programmes, No.1381/2021
Regulation No. 773/2023 amending Regulation 1381/2021
Regulation on the Implementation Licence No. 772/2012
Environmental Impact Assessment Fee No. 244/2023
Regulation on the organization and infrastructure of security and defence areas No. 736/2008
Regulation on roads in Iceland’s nature according to the Nature Conservation Act No. 260/2018
Regulation on the organisational fee No. 737/1997