Municipal plan
This website uses automatic translation for English content, which may not fully capture the original meaning. For complete accuracy, refer to the Icelandic version, which is the official source.
The master plan is a planning plan that covers the whole of the municipality. It sets out the policy and decisions of the municipality on the future use of land and the arrangement of settlement. The policy set out in the master plan is further elaborated in the division plan for individual neighbourhoods or plots.
Information on the status of the general planning in Iceland can be found in kortavefsjá.
Type of main organisation
The municipality is responsible for the preparation of the master plan. The municipality planning committee is responsible for the preparation of the master plan under the authority of the municipality.
At the beginning of the election period, the municipality shall consider whether the current general plan should be reviewed.
The master plan shall take effect once it has been approved by the local authority and confirmed by the organising agency.
The cost of drawing up a regional plan is paid in half by the municipality concerned and the Planning Fund.
Digital master plan
The master plan is processed digitally. The creation of a digital master plan means that planning data is processed in a consistent manner in a spatial information system. When the master plan is submitted to the Bureau of Planning, the data is returned in digital form as well as traditional planning data. The master plan is presented in a planning memorandum and on a planning abstract as before. More information on this.
The process of the master plan
Instructions in Icelandic
Leiðbeiningar on the creation of a digital master plan
Gagnalýsing on the creation of a digital master plan
About landupplýsingar
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