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About the National Electoral Committee

The National Electoral Committee is an independent administrative committee, established on 1 January 2022. Its main purpose is to

  • oversee the conduct of elections

  • implement the Elections Act

The National Electoral Commission is governed by the Minister responsible for elections affairs.

The Minister of Justice appoints five members to the National Electoral Commission and an equal number to replace them. Three members of the board shall be elected by the Althingi, including the chair of the National Electoral Commission, and two shall be nominated by the Icelandic Association of Local Authorities. Alternates shall be chosen in the same manner.

National Electoral Commission

Members are

  • Kristín Edwald, chairman

  • Arnar Kristinsson

  • Ebba Schram

  • Hulda Katrín Stefánsdóttir

  • Magnús Karel Hannesson

Alternates are

  • Ágúst Sigurður Óskarsson

  • Björn Þór Jóhannesson

  • Elín Ósk Helgadóttir

  • Iðunn Garðarsdóttir

  • Valur Rafn Halldórsson

The National Electoral Commission normally meets once a month.
Minutes from previous meetings can be found here (in Icelandic only).



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