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Update of the Directorate of Fisheries VOR system

19th January 2024

The update of the VOR system will take place on Monday 22nd of January between 10 -11 am and we recommend that users do not work on the system during this time.

light house

This update includes a change of listing for processing of catch transported by flight. Users will no longer be able to select the term „Ísað í flug“. Instead users should either use „Óunnið í flug“ (unprocessed for flight transport) or „Unnið í flug“ (processed for flight transport).

Unprocessed is selected when product is:

  • iced

  • blooded

  • ungutted

  • gutted

  • headed

Anything beyond unprocessed is considered processed product for example:

  • fish fillets

  • split fish

  • frozen fish

  • salted fish

  • dried fish

The change is valid from 1st of January 2024.