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Remotely Piloted Aircraft monitoring in April

1st April 2024

Remotely Piloted Aircrafts will be used for monitoring by the Directorate of Fisheries in April and we would like to ask fishermen to keep in mind that all recordings are carefully examined and fish that goes overboard is species analyzed.

fiskistofa drone surveillance photo

The Directorate of Fisheries would therefore like to ask fishermen and operators to familiarize themselves with the rules and laws governing fishing.

A few things to consider:

  • It is safe to release spotted catfish if it is viable.

  • It is mandatory to release bone shark, spotted catfish, dogfish and mackerel shark if it is viable.

  • It is safe to release starry skate if it is viable.

  • It is mandatory to release lumpfish caught in cod fishing nets.

  • When fishing for lumpfish, it is permitted to release viable male lumpfish.

  • If halibut comes on board a fishing vessel as bycatch, viable halibut must be released immediately.

  • When fishing with a line, all halibut should be released by cutting the leash of the line.

  • During hand reel and sea angling fishing, halibut should be carefully unhooked or the loop of the trail should be cut before the halibut comes on board.