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Preparation for coastal fishing

15th April 2024

When regulation on coastal fishing will be issued, it will be possible to apply for coastal fishing permit with electronic ID in the digital application portal at Í

light house

It is only permitted to grant one coastal fishing permit to fishing company or the owner of a fishing vessel.

The Directorate of Fisheries relies on official information from the shipping register of the Icelandic Transport Authority and registration of actual owners of legal entities in the company register of the Icelandic Revenue and Customs before granting permit for coastal fishing.

Before applying for coastal fishing permit, the following registrations must be correct:

Instructions for registering actual owners:

The processing of coastal fishing permit may be delayed if official information on ownership is misleading or does not show the ownership of all the parties that own or operate the ship. The Directorate of Fisheries will need to take those cases for special examination with the corresponding data collection.