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Pink salmon fishing with seine net

30th June 2023

Applications are now open for Pink salmon fishing permits using seine net.

fiskistofa fish in net photo

The Directorate of Fisheries draws attention to the fact that Freshwater Fisheries Association and fishing rights owners who intend to catch Pink salmon in their water area with seine nets, in order to prevent its spread, need to apply for a permit to do so in accordance with the regulation on pink salmon fishing.

The Directorate of Fisheries will endeavor to process applications as soon as they are received, or on the next business day.


  • It is important to record all the catches that come from that fishing, just like any other fishing.

  • The Directorate of Fisheries points out that the Marine & Freshwater Research Institute accepts electronic registrations of fishing.

More information about permits for fishing for Pink salmon can be found in the article on Pink salmon fishing.