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Operations of the Directorate of Fisheries in connection with holes in the sea cage of the Arctic Seafarm in Patreksfjörður

8th September 2023

The Directorate of Fisheries flew over rivers Westfjords with drones. Including all rivers in Arnarfjörður, and Húnaflói. In those rivers, large quantities of fish have not been seen that would warrant action.


During 23rd - 31st of August, Arctic Seafarm tried fishing with 7 nets in Patreksfjörður under the supervision of the Directorate of Fisheries. As previously reported, 3 fish were caught the first day at Ósá. The following days, 6 fishes were caught, but one escaped. A total of 8 fishes were caught in the operation. Net fishing has been discontinued as it produced little success.

The Directorate of Fisheries awaits the results of the analysis of the genetic material of the salmon. Alleged farmed fishes have been caught in some rivers and the Directorate encourages everyone to submit samples to the Marine Research Institute if there is a suspicion of farmed fish.

The information obtained by the drone flights will be submitted to the Maritime Research Institute and consultants will be sought in terms of practical actions. An assessment of whether there is reason to attempt fishing near rivers or whether in rivers will be conduct in consultation with interested parties.

The Directorate of Fisheries can grant an exemption to lure fishing if such measures are deemed necessary in fishing rivers.

Furthermore, the Directorate of Fisheries can authorise the temporary closure of fishing ladders in fishing rivers.