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Digital Iceland

Newsletter May 2023 #2

31st May 2023

Digital Iceland focuses on serving everyone and participates in diverse projects to fit different needs. More public agencies are now on Í

Starting a company

Digital services for all

Digitalising the main channel of public communication is to improve services to the public. The digital service has two main features; improved information delivery and increased self-service.

The Digital policy regarding public services is transparent, safe, simple and fast. The public and companies in Iceland can get directly to the material anywhere and at any time, which saves people valuable time.

Digital Iceland is working according to the Digital Policy and strives to ensure that all those who want to use digital channels have the opportunity to do so. Therefore, Digital Iceland is actively talking to several stakeholders and prioritising projects in this way. Nothing is compromised when it comes to accessibility. All projects of Digital Iceland are based on content strategy, accessibility guidelines and design system to ensure the highest standards of access.

Digital Iceland also contributes to two important projects, thus increasing the number of people who can access digital services. These projects are designed to improve services to older people and development of digital accessibility solutions for people with disabilities. Thus, we at Digital Iceland wish to make a contribution to making digital services accessible to all.

Welcome to - Akureyri Hospital

The hospital in Akureyri has moved its website to Í and is the thirteenth in the series. This move is an excellent strength for the health arm of Í

Akureyri Hospital - new website

Welcome Iceland Revenue and Customs

The implementation of the new Í login service is expanding, and it took well off when the Treasury got involved. It was a fun challenge to implement at such a big moment as the publication of the tax assessment results. The balance with the Treasury is available on My pages Ísland. and possible to make a payment plan if needed.

Application for a payment plan

Sjúkratryggingar service website now open

The site is the fourth in the series on Í, and its goal is to improve the provision of information to users by making it easier to obtain information themselves.

Check out the new website

Everything about your car at Í

Notifications of change of ownership of vehicles and co-owners of vehicles have now moved to Í

Read the news

Updated State Data Security Classification

Version 1.2 of the State's security classification has been published. The first version was published in October 2022.

Read the news

Applications system on Í

An introductory video about how the Í application system works and who it is for.

View the video

Projects in progress at Digital Iceland:

  • Decision on exchange of estate

  • Publication of individuals with Securities Rights in Iceland

  • Publication of the real estate agent directory on Í

  • Publication of the Icelandic Bar List on Í

  • Ownership of a vehicle

  • Ownership of machinery and equipment

  • Renewal of private driving rights

  • Renewal of driving licences

  • Í app - Finance

  • My pages: Finance, movements during the period

  • My page: My intellectual property rights

  • My pages: Study record of graduates from the University of Iceland

  • My pages: Study summary from INNU

  • My ethics: Permission of healthcare practitioners

  • My pages. Machinery and equipment

  • Order vehicle registration number

  • Electronic inheritance report

  • Electronic registration of real estate purchase contracts

  • Consultation portal - updated user interface

  • Registration of the supervisor for practice driving

  • Confirmation of continuing education in securities rights

  • Digital driving licence confirmation at Vínbúðin

  • Digital application for maternity/paternity leave: Permanent foster care and a residence grant

  • Digital invalidity card

  • Digital passport application

  • Government's job on Í

  • Notification of occupational accidents

  • Application for residence permit

  • Application for renewal of residence permits iteration

  • Application for the ES card

  • Application for citizenship iteration

  • Application for authentication

  • Application for operating licences for restaurants and tourist accommodation establishments

  • Application for a tachograph card

  • Welfare Quality and Upper-Lift Agency website

  • Website of Samgöngustofu on Í

  • Website of Tryggingastofnunar on Í