Forms from the National Agency for Children and Families
Forms and applications are listed by subject. These forms are in Icelandic unless stated otherwise.
Sískráning tilkynninga - Excel (in Icelandic)
Samtölublað 2023 - Excel (in Icelandic)
Leiðbeiningar vegna samtölublaðs 2023 (in Icelandic)
Einstaklingseyðublað - Word (in Icelandic)
Yfirlýsing forsjáraðila um afsal forsjár - Word (in Icelandic)
Beiðni um réttarlæknisfræðilega skoðun á barni - Word (in Icelandic)
Verklag barnaverndar og lögreglu vegna réttarlæknisfræðilegra skoðana á LSH - PDF (in Icelandic)
Application forms in English
Request for forwarding information - pregnancy - English - Word
Request for integration of services - pregnancy - English - Word
Other forms and documents
For all other available forms and documents, including forms in Polish, please see the Icelandic version of this page.
Forms are in Icelandic unless otherwise stated.
Umsókn um fósturheimili - Word
Tilkynning vegna vistunar 18-20 ára
Leiðbeiningar vegna tilkynninga