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Apply for a licence to use powerful lasers, laser pointer or IPL device

Application for a licence to use a high-powered lasers or IPL device

According to Article 2, the Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority shall collect a fee for the evaluation of applications for licences for the use of powerful lasers and laser pointers.

The fee is paid into the account of the institute.
Account number: 0303-26-9118,
ID number: 540286-1169.

Please note that no assessment of the application will be made until a fee has been received in the institution's bank account.

The Authority does not guarantee the processing of applications received within two days from an event for which a licence is sought, especially if the documents for which the application for a licence are insufficient.

Application form

About owner/applicant

Application fee is paid

About the laser or the IPL device

Usage Supervisor

Before granting permission for use according to Article 8 the applicant must have written safety regulations prepared. He must also appoint a person in charge of the equipment, and his appointment must be approved by the Radiation Protection Authority.

See Article 9 regulation no. 171/2021 on the import and use of lasers, laser pointers and IPL devices. The licensee must have adequate knowledge of the equipment in question and the safety measures necessary to ensure the safety of employees and spectators, cf. standard IEC/TR 60825; Safety of laser products - Part 8: Guidelines for the safe use of laser beams on humans. The licensee is responsible for ensuring that all safety rules pertaining to the use of the equipment are followed.

Drawings of the area

A drawing must show the area where the location of the laser and all objects that can affect the direction of the beam, e.g. upon reflection, emerge.

Written safety regulations

Optional attachments

Icelandic Radiation Safety Authoroty

Contact us

Telephone: 440 8200


Opening hours

All weekdays from 9 to 12 and 13 to 15


Rauðarárstígur 10

105 Reykjavík

ID number: 540286-1169