Apply for a licence to use powerful lasers, laser pointer or IPL device
Application process
Importer or owner of a powerful lasers, laser pointer or IPL applies for a licence to use it.
Attachment data
For authorisation to use a powerful laser, laser pointer or IPL, one of the following must be:
designate the owner or guarantor,
payment has been received by the Icelandic Radiation Safety Authority
To complete an application, you must have available information about:
name, ID number, address and e-mail address of owner
the applicant if other than the owner,
the laser or IPL, type and make, colour, power and classification,
a description of the intended use,
an explanation as to why a laser of class 2 could not be used instead,
a description of the equipment used to explain, distribute and in other ways affect the beam,
administrator of use, name, ID number, telephone number and e-mail address.
Processing time for application
It may be expected that a licence will be issued within two weeks of receiving all necessary documentation.
Additional documents often need to be called for, and this is done by e-mail to the party sending the application.
Service provider
Icelandic Radiation Safety Authoroty