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Modification of COVID-19 isolation discharge guidelines

24. september 2021

The Chief Epidemiologist has updated instructions for discharge from isolation where more than one person is together in isolation in the same home (same place).

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The Chief Epidemiologist has updated instructions for discharge from isolation where more than one person is together in isolation in the same home (same place). The person who is discharged is not considered infectious, because if he were, he would have to be in isolation for longer. Therefore, a child who has completed isolation can go to school even if someone else is still isolated in the home. The same applies to people who go to work. Those individuals can go to work even if a child or another adult is still in the home in isolation. The recovered person must clean him/herself well before leaving the home. It must also be ensured that clothing and other items that are taken out of the home are clean and have not been handled by those who are still in isolation.

Here are the complete instructions on isolation.

The Chief Epidemiologist