Fara beint í efnið

16. júní 2021

COVID-19 Excelsior Pass from New York State

A pilot program has been launched to accept the Excelsior Pass at the Icelandic border from passengers flying from New York.

Landlæknir logo - Fréttamyndir

A pilot program has been launched to accept the Excelsior Pass at the Icelandic border from passengers flying from New York. The Excelsior Pass is a free voluntary digital health pass developed by New York State in partnership with IBM and currently available to New Yorkers to verify their COVID-19 vaccination or test results.

The results of the pilot program will possibly be used to allow Iceland to accept and verify health credentials from the IBM Digital Health Pass platform.

The Excelsior Pass is a simple, secure way to share COVID-19 test results or vaccination status received from a trusted issuer. Individuals can either print out their pass or store it in the secure digital wallet application on their mobile phone.

Each pass will have a secure QR code, which will be scanned at the Iceland border control system operated by Origo to confirm someone's COVID-19 health status.

Note that according to current rules, and at least until July 1st, all passengers have to undergo a PCR-test for COVID-19 upon arrival in Iceland.

See also https://covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/excelsior-pass