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Unemployment benefits

What affects my payments?

While receiving unemployment benefits you must:

  1. Confirm job search every month,

  2. report extra income, part-time and contract work,

  3. changes in circumstances.

This will help to avoid the delay of payments or having to repay benefits.

You must confirm your job search between 20th-25th of each month. Otherwise, payment is delayed. This is done by clicking on the orange banner that appears at the top of My pages.

  • If the job search is confirmed between the 25th and 3rd of the following month, the payment is made 5 working days after the end of the month.

  • If the job search is confirmed after the 3rd of the following month, the payment is made by the next month.

If an application is still being processed and payments are being delayed due to irregularities, you must still confirm job search.

Reporting work or income

Extra income and other payments can affect the amount of unemployment benefits. You can report this through My pages or by contacting the Directorate of Labour.

Contract work

Unemployment benefits are not paid during days of contract work. Work days should be reported before the project begins.

A day must be reported as a work day, although work on that day takes less than 8 hours. No accumulation of hours is allowed for contract work.

Example: A person teaches twice a week for 2 hours. They report work for two days.

Occasional work

Work that an individual does sometimes must be reported at least a day before it begins. No special notice is required for the end of the work, because income ceases to reduce unemployment benefits when the work ends and payment for the work ceases.

Part-time work

The work must be reported at least a day before it begins.

On My pages, you will fill in the company name and kennitala, starting date, job percentage and an estimated salary before tax. If your income changes, you need to report that.

You can contact your employer and ask that they submit a confirmation of employment period through the Directorate of Labour's Employer Pages. You can also get your employer to fill out a form and upload it to My pages through the submit documents button.

If part-time work ends

It is important to inform about the termination of part-time work when the work is finished so that it no longer reduces the unemployment benefits.

The termination of part-time employment must be notified by returning an employer certificate (vottorð vinnuveitanda, in Icelandic). The certificate must state the reason for the termination of employment and confirm the period of employment.

Income that must be reported

  • Payments from pension funds

  • Capital revenue

  • Revenue from the Social Insurance Administration

Changes in circumstances

Various changes can affect the right to unemployment benefits and therefore they need to be reported, otherwise, payment may be delayed or stopped permanently. This must be reported even though payments have been suspended.

Other duties

Those who receive unemployment benefits must also:

  • Make sure that the information on My pages regarding their phone number, e-mail address or address is up to date,

  • attend interviews if requested by the Directorate of Labour,

  • attend information sessions held by the Directorate.
