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Stage of development

Presentation of a developmental model

Following a survey on the control of the state’s records and records management, conducted in 2012, it was decided to put its results into a tangible and comparable form. A special developmental model was created and the delivering parties were given scores depending on how they met the laws, regulations and requirements for records and records management. The developmental scores show how delivering parties are performing compared to others and how the state of records and records management is at delivering parties as a whole or at individual groups of delivering parties. The developmental scores are five and each score is representative for the records and records management of a delivering party who has given answers in surveys conducted by the National Archives of Iceland. A scoreboard was also created for the responses of individual delivering parties to obtain the total scores of each delivering party.

Stages of development – definitions

Developmental stage 0. No conscious archiving and document management. 0 - 4 stages. There is no archivist or special employee who does archiving and document management for the deliverable party. There have been no or little communication with employees of the National Archives, i.e. electronic databases have not been notified, archives have not been approved, there is no approved case key and no application has been made for permission to gather. The deliverable party does not seem to do archiving and document management at all.

Developmental stage 1. Insufficient archiving and document management. 5 - 9 stages. The archivist or special employee handles the archiving and document management of the deliverable party. Some communication has been made with employees of the National Archives. The deliverable party is more aware of the archiving and document management and practices the correct practices to some extent. Employees record issues that come to the attention of the review and the case key exists. Electronic databases have not been notified and the deliverable party is normally still in paper archiving.

Developmental stage 2. Traditional archiving and document management. 10 - 14 stages. The archivist is responsible for the archiving and document management of the delivering party. He has attended a course at the National Archives and is generally aware of laws and regulations on archiving and document management that the delivering party must follow. However, some communications have been made with employees of the National Archives. Electronic data collections are used and notifications about them have been sent to the National Archives. The delivering party has an approved case key and has applied for permission to gather.

Developmental stage 3. Professional archiving and records management. 15 - 19 stages. The records manager shall carry out the archiving and records management of the delivering party. He/she has attended the courses available at the National Archives. The delivering party has an approved case key and files cases in an electronic database that has been approved by the National Archives. Furthermore, other electronic databases have been notified and a conclusion has been reached on their preservation value. The delivering party has started electronic archiving in most cases and operates according to a valid archiving plan that has been approved by the National Archives. An application has been made for a grist and grist has been completed according to those warrants. All paper documents of the delivering party, who have turned 30 years of age or older, have been completed and registered according to the rules of the National Archives and delivered to the museum for permanent preservation.

Developmental stage 4. Models of archiving and document management. 20 - 25 stages. The archiving and document management of the delivering party is a model. The archivist is responsible for the archiving and document management and has attended the courses available at the National Archives. The delivering party has an approved case key and files cases in an electronic database that has been approved by the National Archives. Furthermore, other electronic databases, including obsolete databases, have been notified and a conclusion has been reached on their preservation value. The delivering party has started electronic archiving in all respects and operates according to a valid archiving plan that has been approved by the National Archives. The archives of the delivering party have been taken out and approved by the National Archives. Authorisations for grist have been applied for and grist is done according to those authorisations. All paper documents of the delivering party that have turned 30 years old have been completed and registered according to the rules of the National Archives and delivered to the museum for permanent preservation.

Scoreboard In the processing of information in the development model, each factor is delimited and a score is given for each factor that is present at the delivery obligation. One score is given for each item within the factors. The scoreboard reflects the factors that were asked in the surveillance survey.


Factors to the point


Case study - 2 points possible

Does the delivering party use a case key for the classification of a case portfolio?


Has a compromise been approved by the National Archives?


Case file - 2 points possible

Registers the information on cases to the submission body in accordance with Article 3 of the rules on the registration of cases and case documents


Does the submission entity register the information on the dossier in accordance with Article 4 of the rules on registering cases and case documents?


Electronic datasets - 8 points possible

Does the delivering party use an electronic database of documents for records management and archiving?


Has the electronic data set been notified to the National Archives?


Has an electronic data set been approved by the National Archives?


Are there usage rules or manuals for using the electronic database?


Have electronic data collections without documents been notified to the National Archives?


Extra level - Have all electronic data sets been notified?


Have outdated data sets been reported?


Not applicable, no obsolete data set available.


Document preservation - 3 stages possible

Are electronic data that should be kept on paper printed out?


Is archiving and document management now electronic (e.g. with the approval of an electronic database)?


Is the used paper in accordance with standards?


Documentation strategy - 2 points possible

Does the submission entity work according to a document retention plan?


Is the archiving program approved by the National Archives?


Grisjun - 1 point possible

Has the person responsible for the delivery of documents gathered documents according to the authority in Article 24 of the Act on Public Archives?


Documentation storage - 2 points possible

Are there special archives?


Have the archives of the delivering party been approved by the National Archives?


Finish - 1 point possible

Has the person responsible for the submission of documents delivered all paper documents older than 30 years to the National Archives?


Not applicable, the person subject to delivery has not reached 30 years.


National Archives education - 3 levels possible

Has a document manager/office member attended a course at the National Archives?


Has the records manager/office member attended all available courses?


Are the rules and guidelines of the National Archives used?


Delivery party - 1 point possible

Is there an active document manager at the submission body?


Conclusion (total score is 25 points)


2020 National Delivery Authority Development Level

The developmental stage of the individual state delivery obligations in 2020 can be found here:

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The main results of a surveillance survey conducted in the first half of 2020 show that the archiving and document management of the State's delivery obligations is moving in the right direction as can be seen in the attached figure. Only 7% of the delivery obligations or 13 parties were measured at maturity level 0, which is the lowest level. It is not desirable for any delivery obligation to be measured at this maturity level.

At maturity level 1, which is inadequate documentation and records management, 32% of the parties were required to submit documents or 58 parties. At maturity level 2, which is traditional documentation and records management, 44% of the parties were required to submit documents or 80 parties and at maturity level 3, professional documentation and records management, 17% of the parties were required to submit documents or a total of 30 parties.

No delegated entities reached maturity stage 4, which is the model for archiving and document management. It is likely that in the next surveillance survey of state archiving and document management, which will be conducted in 2024, delegated entities will reach maturity stage 4.

The National Archives of Iceland’s long-term goal is that no deliverable entity is measured at maturity levels 0 or 1. Both levels are insufficient and in fact mean that the deliverable entity is not complying with the laws and regulations that apply to the records management and archiving of deliverable entities.

Heildardreifing afhendingarskyldra aðila ríkisins á þroskastig árið 2020.

Total distribution of the State's delivery obligations to maturity in 2020.

If the distribution is further examined by size of the delivery obligation, it turns out that small parties with 25 or fewer employees came out worse than larger delivery obligation parties. A total of 52% of smaller delivery obligation parties were measured in the 0 and 1 developmental stages. This result was in accordance with the results of previous surveys. This has been attributed mainly to the fact that smaller delivery obligation parties have less special records manager or employee who does the records and records management and often have less resources to do the job properly.

The larger submission entities were similar in their developmental stages, but submission entities with 50 or more employees seemed to be the best organizations in the field of records management.

Þroskastig afhendingarskyldra aðila ríkisins árið 2020 eftir stærð afhendingarskyldra aðila.

The developmental stage of the State's delivery obligations in 2020 depending on the size of the delivery obligations.

When the categories of the parties (issues) were examined, 70% of ministries were measured at maturity level 3, professional archiving and records management, and 30% at maturity level 2, traditional archiving and records management. 60% of the courts were measured at maturity level 1, inadequate archiving and records management, and 40% at maturity level 2. Similarly, almost half of the county and police departments, or 46%, were measured at maturity levels 0 and 1, which was a concern. Half of the healthcare institutions were measured at maturity level 2 and half at maturity levels 0 and 1. The same can be said about secondary schools, but they are a little better, with 54% of them being measured at maturity levels 2 and 3.

Heildardreifing eftir stofnanaflokkum afhendingarskyldra aðila ríkisins árið 2020.

Total distribution by institutional categories of State-mandated bodies in 2020.

The developmental stage of the State's delivery obligations in 2016

The developmental stage of the individual state delivery entities in 2016 can be found here:

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The status of archiving and records management in the State's delegated entities in 2016 was as follows: at maturity level 0 (no conscious archiving and records management) 17% of the State's delegated entities were delegated, at maturity level 1 (inadequate archiving and records management) 36%, at maturity level 2 (traditional archiving and records management) 38% of the State's delegated entities were delegated, and at maturity level 3 (professional archiving and records management) 9% of the delegated entities were delegated. There was also no delegated State entity at maturity level 4 (model archiving and records management).

Heildardreifing afhendingarskyldra aðila ríkisins á þroskastig árið 2016.

Distribution of the total number of State delivery entities in the development stage in 2016.

When the distribution of the size of the delivery parties was examined it was found that the middle-sized parties came out best while delivery parties with 25 employees or fewer came out worst.

Þroskastig afhendingarskyldra aðila ríkisins árið 2016 eftir stærð afhendingarskyldra aðila.

Developmental stage of the State's delivery obligations in 2016 by size of the delivery obligations.

The results of the survey in 2012 showed that schools and healthcare institutions were in poor shape in the field of records management. The status of these state-mandated entities improved between the surveys in 2012 and 2016. 61% of secondary schools in Iceland were in the 0 and 35% in the 1 level. 40% of healthcare institutions were in the 0 and 60% in the 1 level. The following chart shows how some groups of state-mandated entities came out of the survey. Of these groups, the ministries came out best, as in the previous survey.

Heildardreifing eftir stofnanaflokkum afhendingarskyldra aðila ríkisins árið 2016.

Total distribution by institutional categories of State submission obligation in 2016.

Developmental stage of State-subsidised entities 2012

The developmental stage of the individual state delivery entities in 2012 can be found here:

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In 2012 the status of archiving and document management in the State's delegated entities was that 34% of all delegated entities were in the developmental stage 0 (no conscious archiving and document management), 30% in the developmental stage 1 (inadequate archiving and document management), 32% in the developmental stage 2 (traditional archiving and document management) and only 3% in the developmental stage 3 (professional archiving and document management). No delegated entity had reached the developmental stage 4 (model archiving and document management).

Heildardreifing afhendingarskyldra aðila ríkisins á þroskastig árið 2012.

Total distribution of the State's delivery obligations at maturity in 2012.

When the distribution was further examined by size of the delivery parties, it was found that medium-sized delivery parties came out best while parties with 25 employees or fewer came out worst.

Þroskastig afhendingarskyldra aðila ríkisins árið 2012 eftir stærð afhendingarskyldra aðila.

Developmental stage of the State's delivery obligations in 2012 by size of the delivery obligations.

When the results of the survey were analysed, it was revealed that schools and health institutions were generally poorly represented. 85% of secondary schools in Iceland were in the 0 th and 15% in the 1 th th. Similar figures were among health institutions in the whole country or 86% in the 0 th. The following chart shows how several groups of delegated persons came out of the survey. Of these groups, the ministries came out best, as there is a long tradition of archiving and document management within those institutions and there are active records managers in all ministries. Most of the delegated persons do not have a dedicated employee who does the archiving and document management and this underlined the importance of having such an employee.

Heildardreifing eftir stofnanaflokkum afhendingarskyldra aðila ríkisins árið 2012.

Total distribution by institutional categories of State-mandated bodies in 2012.

Comparison of the developmental stages of the State-mandated parties 2012-2020

If the results of the surveillance surveys 2012, 2016 and 2020 on the state’s records management and records management are examined, it can be seen how the developmental stage of the data subjects has changed from lower to higher. It can therefore be seen how data subjects have been improving their compliance and ensuring that their records management and records management comply with the laws and regulations that apply to them.

Samanburður á heildardreifingu afhendingarskyldra aðila ríkisins á þroskastigum á milli kannana árin 2012, 2016 og 2020.

Comparison of the total distribution of the state’s delivery obligation on maturity scores between the surveys in 2012, 2016 and 2020.

As can be seen in the chart, the number of State accounts in maturity 0 has decreased significantly from 34% in 2012 to 7% in 2020. This is a very positive development and it is the goal of the National Archives that no accounts are measured at this level in the future, as this means that there is no organized archiving and document management at these accounts. Furthermore, it is pleasing to see the number of accounts decrease slightly at maturity 1 after a small increase in the 2016 survey. But this can probably be explained by how many accounts were moving from maturity 0 to maturity 1 in the 2016 survey. In the surveillance survey in 2020, this shift was still significant but on the other hand, there are also more accounts moving to maturity 3.

It is also a positive development to see a growth in the 2nd and 3rd stages of development, which are traditional and professional archiving and records management. The main difference between the deliverables measured at these two stages is that in professional archiving and records management, the deliverables are usually in the approved electronic archiving, but in traditional archiving and records management, the deliverables have usually not yet taken the step of notifying electronic databases and getting them approved.

At maturity level 1, insufficient documentation and document management, the number of State Party submission obligations has been relatively stable throughout the surveys. This can probably be considered normal if we consider the large number of submission obligations at maturity level 0 in the survey in 2012. This number has been moving to maturity level 1. Only a slower shift has been to maturity level 2, but we can see a fairly safe growth there. All of these are steps in the right direction and in general we can say that we are pleased to see a relatively steady shift of State Party submission obligations from lower levels to the next maturity level. With such a continuing trend, it will not be long before all State Party submission obligations are measured in satisfactory documentation and document management and compliance will generally be good.

In the 2012 survey, 85% of secondary schools in Iceland were measured at the 0 and 15% at the 1 level, which meant that the secondary schools were not conducting records management and records management in accordance with the law. The results of the survey in 2020 show that the secondary schools have made a big leap forward but there has been a significant improvement in their status in records management and records management. In 2020 only 8% of secondary schools were measured at the 0 and 38% at the 1 level. More than half of secondary schools or 54% were measured at the 2 and 3 level, and were therefore in the traditional or professional records management and records management.

Samanburður á heildardreifingu framhaldsskóla á þroskastigum á milli kannana árin 2012, 2016 og 2020.

Comparison of the overall distribution of secondary schools in the years 2012, 2016 and 2020 between the two surveys.

Healthcare institutions are another area where there has been a positive development. In the survey in 2012 86% of healthcare institutions in Iceland were in the 0 th developmental stage and had no organized records management. Immediately four years later, in the survey in 2016, more than half of the population was in the 0 th developmental stage and in the survey in 2020 17% of the population was in the 0 th developmental stage. Although it is still quite high, this is a step in the right direction. In addition, the proportion of healthcare institutions that are in the 2 th developmental stage has increased dramatically, from 7% in 2012 to 50% in 2020.

Samanburður á heildardreifingu heilbrigðisstofnana á þroskastigum á milli kannana árin 2012, 2016 og 2020

Comparison of the overall distribution of the population in the healthcare system between the years 2012, 2016 and 2020.

In recent years, the offices of the District Commissioners and the police have made significant improvements in the archiving and records management. In the survey in 2012 19% of offices were measured at maturity level 0 and 50% at maturity level 1. In the next survey in 2016 no office was measured at maturity level 0 but then 8% again in the survey in 2020. This can be explained by the fact that after the archiving period ends, approvals for e.g. case keys and electronic databases had to be renewed. If a delegated party does not fulfill the obligation to renew the approvals, the relevant party may lose a level between surveys and move down to maturity level. Furthermore, the offices have undergone a lot of changes during this period, but the number of offices of the District Commissioners was reduced from 24 to nine by the law no. 50/2015 on executive powers and administrative authority of the state in the district and the police offices from 15 to eight by the amendment to the police law no. 90/1996. Such changes inevitably affect the archiving and records management of the offices. One task that is faced when delegated parties merge or projects are transferred between them is to renew approvals to the National Archives.

Samanburður á heildardreifingu sýslumanna og lögreglu á þroskastigum á milli kannana árin 2012, 2016 og 2020.

Comparison of the total distribution of the districts and the police on the developmental stages between the surveys in 2012, 2016 and 2020.

Justices were not well represented in the surveillance survey in 2012. Justices have been ranked at maturity level 1, although with the positive trend that more and more people are moving to maturity level 2. For evidence of progress, in 2012 17% of justices were at maturity level 0, but in the following survey, in 2016, no justices were at maturity level 0.

Samanburður á heildardreifingu dómstóla á þroskastigum á milli kannana árin 2012, 2016 og 2020.

Comparison of the total distribution of the courts’ sentences between the years 2012, 2016 and 2020

The ministries have always been well measured in the National Archives of Iceland’s surveillance surveys. The Government of Iceland has a long tradition of archiving and document management and employs qualified records managers and archivists. The ministries rank at maturity stage 2 and 3. Development since 2012 has been that they have been moving from maturity stage 2 to maturity stage 3, with 70% of ministries measuring at maturity stage 3 (professional archiving and document management) in 2020 and only 30% in 2012. It is likely that the ministries will move up to maturity stage 4 in the next surveillance survey, which is scheduled to be in 2024.

Samanburður á heildardreifingu ráðuneyta á þroskastigum á milli kannana árin 2012, 2016 og 2020.

Comparison of the total distribution of the ministries of developmental studies between the years 2012, 2016 and 2020.

Municipalities with a National Archives obligation for 2017

The developmental stage of the individual municipal offices that are required to be delivered to the state in 2017 can be found here:

The National Archives conducted a controlled survey on the archiving and records management of municipal offices that are required to be delivered to the National Archives in 2017. The main results of the survey were that the archiving was acceptable. In total, 20% of municipal offices (3 municipal offices) were in the developmental stage 0 (no conscious archiving and records management) and 13% (2 municipal offices) were in the developmental stage 1 (insufficient archiving and records management). In the developmental stage 2 (traditional archiving and records management) 60% of municipal offices (9 municipal offices) and in the developmental stage 3 (professional archiving and records management) 7% of municipal offices (1 municipal office). No municipal offices were ranked in the developmental stage 4 (model archiving and records management).

Heildardreifing sveitarstjórnarskrifstofa á þroskastig árið 2017.

Total distribution of municipal offices in the development stage in 2017.